

It’s true….as you get older, losing weight gets really hard. I’m now in my 30s, have a small baby and am now thinking about my own mortality as I watch my parents age and my friends get their first grey hairs. I have always struggled with my weight – not ridiculously overweight, but just uncomfortable. I am now looking into getting a gastric sleeve as a way to help me on a healthier path. I know it won’t be a fix to my problems, but it will definitely help shift some of this excess weight. It will still be in me to eat healthier and exercise more. I know this sounds like a cheating way out of it, but I just don’t want to get to my 50s and not have my mobility or health.

Posted by Statho2000, 1st August 2014

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  • thanks for the story good to read


  • I assume you have done a lot of research on the procedure so wish you all the best.


  • Also; mobility is very important as you get older.


  • Good health and well being is important at every age.


  • it is good to be concerned about your health and want to be here for your kids but maybe all you have to do is just step up the intensity of your workouts


  • Health and well being is also on my radar as I get older.


  • A very sensible approach to your older years, I was also told by my doctor that if I lost 10% of my body weight I would feel fitter & remain active. It worked for me & I’m in my 60’s!


  • Well I think this is a positive step, as you sound committed to helping yourself to maintain health in latter years.


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