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I just wanted to share a little bit of my pregnancy journey with you all, in the hope it will help out another mum to be, possibly faced with the decisions I was! As my title says, I am blessed with an absolutely beautiful and healthy baby girl but throughout my pregnancy I didn’t think I would get to this point!
My stressful pregnancy began when I had my 12 week scan to check for abnormalities. Within an hour of the scan I was called back to see the Dr where I was told that I had a high risk for my baby being born with Down syndrome. They said that although the scan itself was great my blood results is what altered my risk level. I was told I had Low Papp-A which the dr said basically meant my placenta may not be working properly.
So on top of being told I had a high risk for having a baby with Down syndrome, there was also a high risk of losing my baby by miscarriage or still born, or going into premature labour. My husband and I were just heart broken, our first child, we could lose her.
The next week I met with an Obstetrician and we discussed having an amniocentesis done to test for Down syndrome but we said no because no matter the outcome we would love our child the same, I wouldn’t terminate so why risk miscarriage just to know!
Three weeks later I had a 16 week 3D scan to find out the gender and we were elated to find out we were expecting a baby girl! We fell so in love with her and I just couldn’t wait to have her safe in my arms. I did everything I could to stay safe and keep her safe, including reducing my work hours and resting. We took our minds off the risks by enjoying every moment and buying things for her!
Every ultrasound and midwife appointment was stressful. I kept waiting to be told something was wrong! And then by 36 weeks I kept thinking every little ache or pain was labour, in and out of hospital. But at 40 weeks and 1 day I went into labour, spontaneously, and then the following day I gave birth, naturally, to a beautiful healthy baby girl. The relief was immense and I have spent every day since feeling so blessed to have her in my life. I’m so glad I chose not to have an amniocentesis and risk losing her because I couldn’t imagine my life without her!
Posted by Mum2Belle, 31st July 2014
mom81879 said
- 06 Sep 2015
Kell said
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mom113055 said
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mom113055 said
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mom113055 said
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arcticwynta said
- 03 Aug 2014
Mum2Belle replied
- 03 Aug 2014 , 7:34 pm
BellaB said
- 01 Aug 2014
Mum2Belle replied
- 01 Aug 2014 , 8:45 pm
hopefullyheidi said
- 31 Jul 2014
Mum2Belle said
- 31 Jul 2014
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