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Since reading a couple of stories on here, I got enthused and entered some Facebook competitions and have done a couple of market research things. The competitions are a lot of fun. The market research reward sites I find hard to source a good one that offers rewards for time spent doing the tasks asked of you. Has anyone found any good ones? I just like earning and saving where I can and find this sort of thing a great activity to do in my spare time after work. If you have any experiences with great sites would love to hear. Thanks

Posted anonymously, 9th September 2014

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  • I have been in most of the above for 9 years and enjoy doing the surveys, only problem I have found is that as I have gotten older I tend to get screend out more, and the surveys are longer with more questions yet the rewards have not changed in the years I have been doing them. I always say that at the end of the survey as I think everything has gone up so should the rewards. But have gotten a lot of money from them over the years. every little bit helps.


  • I like surveys too and occassionally get a voucher. WDYT is good and mysurveyaustralia.


  • i love using survey village. Last year i got $160 in gift vouchers 🙂


  • thanks ladies good post will look into a few.


  • I find with survey sights it takes quite a while to build up some rewards – unless you have all day every day to sit at the computer and do the surveys – which I know I certainly don’t with two kids! lol


  • This is good on going to checkout pure profile after reading this! I also like the product review site where you get samples and then write feedback. A new one I’ve found good is Pinchme. Only joined last week and already got a sample of fairy dish tablets and something else in the mail.


  • I love doing this too I love entering comps it’s so fun..


  • This was a post that certainly caught my eye. As I been trying a few of the surveys out but have struggled with how time consuming they are. I may keep them in mind after reading some of the response on here and the positive feedback . Good luck to everyone entering the competitions an surveys.


  • some surveys can be interesting but are time consuming.


  • I enter comps but have never thought of doing surveys or reviews before (besides here). Worth checking out for sure.


  • I’ve tried some but ditched them, I just don’t have the time that is required to redeem so little over a very long period of time. I prefer the trial sample sites and have received some great sample products that I’ve either gone on to buy or have switched brands and basically that is what sampling is all about, not about what you can get for free. Many of those sites also have member / monthly draws and prizes. I won a fabulous prize worth over $300.00 for registering to apply for a sample of a new hair care range, certainly didn’t expect what turned up at the front door. I love competitions and have won quite a lot in the past 6 months – I don’t usually go for big ticket items but rather things that I would use on a day to day basis like cleaning products, beauty / personal items that I share with DD, that sort of thing.


  • Great post. I joined rewards central, my opinions and your voice. Combining all 3 I’ve redeemed $30 in a couple of months. It’s taken a while but it depends if you’re suitable for the surveys. Your Voice seems to have worked best for me but I like that you can get points from shopping online with rewards central.


  • Love the sounds of some of these thank you for sharing off to have a look


  • I’m with quite a few though my involvement can be sporadic. At home and Consumer Voice Community reward you with gift cards, drawn randomly, worth $20 for participation. To date I’ve probably received $100 worth in the last 2 and a half years. With the Insiders Community they have quarterly prizedraws for completing surveys and I once won a beauty hamper worth $200. They have a combination of money and products. Pureprofile rewards you for doing surveys with money that you can have direct credited to your account once your amount reaches $25. I’ve gotten approximately $125 from them over the last 3-4 years. Survey Village and Valued Opinions are two others that I rarely bother with these days. Survey Village allows you to redeem points for gift vouchers and valued opinions you earn money then redeem for gift cards. I’ve won a few small facebook comps with priceline and le tan but nothing major.


  • Pure Profile, WDYT, and Rewards Central are the three I have found best – surveys usually aren’t too long, the rewards aren’t too bad for the time required, and it doesn’t take forever to reach the point where you can cash out.


  • I’ve been doing a few surveys. Some I have trouble with connecting on net – not sure if it is my PC or the site. I like My View. A little time consuming but I have received 5 $20 gift vouchers so far. Am trying competitions too but no luck yet.


  • I must check out pure profile it sounds quite good! Thanks ladies


  • Pureprofile is a good one also WDYT


  • Yes, pure profile is the one I use too.


  • I like rewards central – you get points for completing a 1 question survey each day and clicking on advertising etc. I’ve got quite a few $50 cash backs from them. Also pure profile – they are surveys but pay quite well. I’ve got quite a bit back from them too.

    • That’s very good advice for all wanting to do this. Thank you


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