

Am i alone when i say i come on here daily enter all the comps, like they say got to be in it to win it. I also enjoy reading all the questions and stories, its nice to feel a part of something :)

Posted by Jessica, 16th September 2014

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  • The site has somethhing for every-one,l love the recipes,real stories and general news!


  • Don’t come on here as much as I used to, but now that it’s colder…I will.


  • great story to read


  • Agree; fabulous and helpful site.


  • I love this site..it is my social hang out haha!!


  • I absolutely love this site! I love reading the stories, and sometimes being able to help out someone with a hint or two :)
    I have won a couple of prizes on here now,its just a really fun site.


  • I won the recent book pack – it was very exciting! I always wonder if the best answer wins and I’m so bad at thinking up witty comments – but I think you definitely have to be in it to win it – and someone wins!


  • I’m on here when I grab a cuppa and have a break or when the family are asleep, I can read and comment without being disturbed.


  • I agree I do this too I also love reading all the stories


  • I love this site. I’m a regular, although I haven’t had as much time lately with a few things going on. I miss my MoM time :)


  • Im becoming more and more of a regular. I do love it here though lol. I’ve won a georgeous dress for my daughter – so proof is definitely in the saying “got to be in it to win it”
    My Son is upset with me because i havent won anything for him yet lol – fingers crossed!


  • No you are not alone. Aside from the great shared information on most subjects and the general positiveness of this site the competitions that are offered up are great! I was just catching up on some of the new recipes and I received an email informing me I’d won the IMAX competition :) It is a case of in it to win it, Good Luck.


  • I’m on here regularly too. Nice to have a place to visit that focuses on the same things we do as mums! And as you say, gotta be in it to win it!


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