

Remember Cluedo, Game of Life, Risk, Scrabble and the favourite (which either made us into bankers, real estate agents or theives) – Monopoly?
On a rainy day or away on holiday you would argue for ages about which game to play. The finally everyone would agree and out came the box from the cupboard. The table was cleared, the pieces were counted to make sure that there were none missing.
The only distraction back them was either the television or the person who wasn’t playing but shared their opinions too frequently.
The players would squabble about the rules so the most trustworthy person (or the one who could read) would hunt for the rules in the box to find them either missing, on the base of the box or Wrong!
The dice would be thrown and lost under the table. Someone would be bored, someone would try to cheat but everyone would have fun.
Ah, those were the days….

Posted by deb_gs, 20th April 2015

Post your story
  • We love scrabble, but play simpler ones with the kids too.


  • We love our board games and play often.


  • The one thing I love about winter is the time-honoured tradition of dragging out the board games! We love them! Educational and fun, a great way to pass the long, cold winter evenings!

    • Winter is wonderful for board game ‘bonding’!


  • We have a cupboard full of games and we still use them. They are loads of fun and great for family time.


  • Not at the moment as my daughter is too little. But we still have the games packed away and will play them when she is older


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