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Being pregant for the first time after a miscarriage with no period in between i was a nervous wreck at the beginning as I kept thinking it was going to happen again. I had a healthy pregnancy despite my feelings of stress the only thing that went wrong was my heamaglobin went very low which caused me to loose my breathe many times and even walking was a big struggle. Towards week 30 I started having really vivid dreams that the babys heart stopted as i was giving birth and another re occuring dream was that i was inducded. By week 39 I had no sighns that baby was coming out anytime soon. Then one day before week 41 my waters broke and continued for 5 hours. I was stressed because i didnt feel baby move at all while the waters were breaking then after 2 hours the heartbeat was confirmed which was the best confirmation I ever had in my life. After another 7 hours I had to be induced as I was only 3 cms dilated after is when the pain started and the heavy pushing.
When i was told i needed another 2 big pushes I thought I had no energy to go on. Then the midwifes said hes out. But I heard no cry everyone gasped. It was the most nervewracking moment ever, After about 4 minutes I heard my baby cry. That exact scenerio is what I dreamnt of months before and i was induced exactly like my dream too. I’ve always has a bit of a physic ability and this definetly confirmed it for me.
Posted anonymously, 1st September 2014
mom113055 said
- 11 Apr 2015
Mrsjharding said
- 08 Oct 2014
mom57665 replied
- 08 Oct 2014 , 8:52 pm
mom56842 said
- 16 Sep 2014
mom57665 said
- 02 Sep 2014
Statho2000 said
- 02 Sep 2014
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