

I have recently remarried, moved house and settled down with my new hubby.
My ex partner has decided that now is the best time to try and ruin my happiness.
He has a girlfriend whom he lives with. Ever since I have movedmoved, he has decided to use my son against me. He hasn’t returned him after his care time with our child.
Saying that I have to move before I get him back.
Is it just me, or is he jealous??
I miss my child so much, I’ve been to lawyers and all they say I can do is go through mediation.

Posted anonymously, 22nd November 2015

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  • Make sure you fully understand your legal rights. if necessary seek a second opinion. Hopefully you can resolve your issues with mediation as this will likely be the least disruptive method of resolution.


  • i just don’t know, it would be so damn frustrating to be powerless in the eyes of the law! get a 2nd opinion. get to mediation with your lawyer.


  • would it be worth changing lawyers or getting a second opinion on your rights?


  • How dreadful. I’d pursue legal options with urgency – he can’t do that.


  • What? He can’t do that!!


  • Oh no, another shocking story of an upset ex partner not happy with custody arrangements. I honestly hope it doesn’t end in tragedy before someone stands up and helps you. I think it’s a combination of jealous, he’s probably not happy that his son is being raised by another man, combined with him just being plain nasty


  • Surely this is not legal and you can take action against him! Make sure it is all legal and he has no recourse as this is unacceptable.


  • How awful for you. I hope you get your son back


  • I doubt there is any valid excuse for not returning child on agreed terms. If there are written terms, then he must comply. If you go to mediation (and this is always only a first step), know your non negotiable and negotiable terms before it starts. Don’t give in, stay strong and true to yourself, and good luck!

    • Good points and advice. Feeling for you as it must be awful for you.


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