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This week I had to make the footy banner for 100 games for my son. I have never made one of these before. Spoke to a few friends and all said use crepe paper. So I found this art supplies shop brought 2 rolls of paper and discussed with shop assistant the lettering. I said I was thinking of using sticker letters A4. At $1.20 per sheet this was turning into quiet an expensive banner. I thought perhaps I would just do paper ones but she said that would be too heavy for the crepe paper and I should make the letters out of the crepe paper as this would be the best and use a glue stick to adhere them. Well I spent ALL day tracing out the letters carefully trying not to rip the paper so sketching around the letters (which was time-consuming) then carefully cutting them all out making sure I did not rip them in the process. Finally glued them on but again crepe paper stretches so could only use glue stick in the grain of the letter which too ages as I could not be heavy handed or it ripped!! Finally did it. Looked good. Happy with result despite the WHOLE day taken up by the letters. THen next day chatting to friend of mine who said he makes the banners for his club and he has a machine which cuts out the letters for you on paper and they stick fine to the crepe paper. And it does it in minutes!! I could have screamed! My only conciliation is there was a lot of love put into this!! And if I ever do one again I am going straight to my friend!
Posted anonymously, 31st May 2014
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