
12 Comment

Many of you may have seen my earlier writings about a new business opportunity called Four Oceans.
There were some that thought it was Pyramid Selling, but that is illegal. Four Oceans is a Multi-Level Marketing business which is going viral around the world. Some think you have to sell something to make money, or to be a viable business, this is not true, and it has shown by the way Four Oceans has hit Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Hong Kong and last but not least (so far) the United States. We are launching another 7 Countries soon.So, what is Four Oceans all about.

Four Oceans has 3 products:
1. Personal Development – Happiness
2. Travel – The cheapest travel ever, with over 7600 Resorts all around the world
3. A combination of 1. and 2. by way of Vacationars which are Seminars on Vacation. We have a Happiness Vacationar in Cancun, Mexico 7 – 11 October, 2015. All Vacationars are designed to bring happiness to YOU whether it is about Photography, Culture, Music, Health and Spa etc

You can join as a customer or a partner. If you join as a customer, you can join for Free as ‘Happy’ or upgrade to Happiest and obtain a $300 Resort card which I will explain further down.
If you wish to join as a partner, you start your business opportunity of which there is a 9 level Compensation Plan, like no other. You earn money by spreading Global Happiness and if you join 2 people, they join up 2, they join up 2 etc. When you start, you are a Partner. Then, you can elevate through the levels to Director, Manager, Regional Manager, National Manager right up to Global Ambassador. When you join people in your Four Oceans family, you obtain e-points. If you sign up 2 at Happiest and 1 at Happier, that is 950 e-points which you are then Director, once you join up 2 at Happiest, you start by earning a percentage of the Beginners Bonus every week until you earn $1500 US. As well as the beginners bonus, you can earn up to $250 per week. As Director, you can earn up to $750 US per week, plus other bonuses. Then there are so many different ways to earn e-points, there is so much more to come. We will be offered a wrist band that measures the number of steps you take walking, we will earn bonus e-points for that, and when you take a discounted holiday you earn e-points, all that will help you elevate and earn bonuses. We are all about Personal Development.

Whether you sign up for Free as Happy, happier or happiest, you are made available a 21-day course in Happiness, you are invited to Vacationars and you can go on holiday.

As a Happiest member, you receive so much more including the Resort Card I was talking about earlier. This card is worth $300 annually. Four of us, who are all at Happiest level are going overseas to the Happiness Vacationar in October. Then we are going on to one of Four Oceans holidays to Vera Beach, Florida for 8 days, 7 nights. A 2 bedroom apartment for up to 6 people, fully equipped kitchen. Total Price for Four Oceans members without Resort Card is $1151 US (Total for 6 people) with the Resort Card, total price for 6 people is $851 US plus flights. So, for two couples for a week, it is $425.50 US. A cheap holiday. What about Ohau, Hawaii, 8 days, 7 nights, a 1 bedroom apartment for 4 people, all inclusive, non-resort card $347, with the resort card $47 plus flights. There are over 7600 4 or 5 star resorts all around the world. Most of our holidays include food and drinks on top of the accommodation.

We have so much more coming, Head office is bringing in more items, currently they have just started a “Maximum Elevation Promotion” from 25th April to 31st July. We can elevate up to National Manager, whatever level we reach, we get to stay there. It is an amazing opportunity. Being fairly new, you are starting at the beginning, therefore, in a couple of years time, when there are thousands and thousands of members all over the world, you will be there up the top with the beginners, and will be earning quite a bit of money, and/or enjoying annual holidays.

Did you know that taking an annual holiday reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%
An annual holiday with your partner rejuvinates your relationship quite considerably. When you have holidays at these prices, they are highly affordable.

Have a look at www.happiestrewards.com using happiest as the password, this is a 2 part video which shows you a bit about Four Oceans, the second part shows you the 9 level Compensation Plan.
To sign up, go to http://doodles.fouroceans.net, click JOIN NOW, and choose the option you wish to join, whether Happy, Happier or Happiest, then follow directions.

We have Webinars that I can send you, also there is a webinar on tonight (29th April) and one on (30th April) in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, and a variety of times over the next few days in the USA. If you would like to watch, send me an email to m.d.lindsay@bigpond.com and ask for the webinars, I also have a copy from last week’s webinar. We hold Webinars every week, at the moment with all new releases, we will be holding Training webinars too. Also, in Australia we hold Conference calls, a free number and pass code is given to you to join in.

I would love to see some of you join me. On my website, there are other video’s to watch. When you think about it, what do you have to lose joining in. It is FREE to join, no obligation, nothing more to pay if you don’t want to. You can enjoy the benefits of Global Happiness, and with all the turmoil of Executions, Earthquakes, Wars, people dying, losing their homes and so much heartache in the world, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be part of a family to spread Global Happiness. Due to the heartache in Kenya, I have signed a man up for free, he can enjoy the benefits, and he is willing to wait until the Country is launched to grow his business. He wants to help his Country with Happiness, what will it hurt. Absolutely Nothing. What is there to gain?


Posted by dee lindsay, 29th April 2015

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  • Hmm might be worth having a look at the site


  • This is the first that I have heard about it as well!


  • This is the first that I have heard about it.


  • Four Oceans has been going viral over the months since launching, we are in many more countries now and in the American Business at Home website, Four Oceans has been ranked 28 in the top 100 Direct Sales Companies in the world. Even though we are associated and registered with the Australian Direct Sales Association, we do not sell anything or you don’t need to buy anything.

    If is Four Ocean’s Mission for Global Happiness. We market Self Improvement and Personal Development with Travel as a bonus. We find that Business owners in particular businesses like Avon, Tupperware, and Corporate Business owners, Stay at Home Mum and Dads, and those who work from Home find the programs to be wonderful and very helpful.

    I have just completed the 21 Days of Happiness program with Four Oceans, and I was in a deep black hole prior to starting. Our loving dog Jessie died, then a month later our beautiful sulphur crested cockatoo ‘Sully’ died, I had terrible pain, due to the weather as I suffer chronic pain, I had fallen into the deep black hole of depression. That day I decided to do the program, and from Day 3 of the 21 Days, I could start feeling the difference. I publically showed gratitude, and privately kept a journal and followed the other instructions to the letter, now I have finished, I am the happiest I have ever felt. It was an amazing journey and I am not just saying that. It is true. I wake up happy and giggling, even my husband was worried because he felt happy.

    Four Oceans can help everyone. See http://www.everybodyneedsthis.com for info and then you can join for free at http://doodles.fouroceans.net.

    Hope to see you there. Also I have a facebook page – Dee’s “Four Oceans” Family.
    xx dee


  • wow that is a lot of information about 4 oceans


  • I’d never heard of it. An interesting read.


  • I’m sorry, but whatever you call it, it still sounds like pyramid selling to me. And the number of times you’ve posted on here about it makes it sound like you’re under pressure to sign people up. I hope I’m wrong and it works out for you, but I also hope you don’t suck a lot of people into a bad situation.

    • that is exactly what I was thinking!

      • Hi BellaB and JenniW,
        Thank you for your comments. Of course I appreciate everyone’s point of view. I do like to receive your comments as it shows the concerns some people have.

        BellaB, I know you have been following me from the start. It is lovely to see you here again.

        Even though Four Oceans isn’t Pyramid Selling, if you think about it everything is a Pyramid. A Company has a CEO, he/she sits up the top, then below, there are other staff members, and it continues down to the general Gir/Boy Friday. The Police work the same way, Cadets , Sargeants, up to the Commissionar, Hospitals, any Job, Army, Navy, Airforce all work in the same method.

        The difference with us, is none, Direct Selling Australia is the same structure also as the illegal Pyramid Selling, Party Plan, Tupperware, Avon, etc etc. Under the Australian Legal System we are officially classed under the Direct Selling Australia guidelines, but we don’t actually sell anything, we are in the Personal Development and Travel Industry.

        I really hope this clears this up for you.

        I wish you both all the Happiness and Good Health.

        Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to clear this up.

        Kindest regards, Dee xx


  • Happiness to you to with your business venture; hope it works our for you.

    • Thank you so much,
      I appreciate your kind comments. I am so excited by Four Oceans and what we are giving to people. I honestly believe in spreading Global Happiness. As the business grows, I love talking about it to people and help people.

      I suffer chronic pain, so my days are spent working hard at spreading global happiness, when you believe in something so much, you want to talk about it. Also, I have my online discount shopping mall, and now I am doing a Diploma in Marketing just for something extra to do.

      I apologise to anyone who thinks I am going on about Four Oceans, but with Network Marketing, the only way you can spread the word is by advertising it. With all the heartache in the world, I wish everyone all the Happiness in the world in whatever you do.
      love and hugs xxx Dee

      • You are welcome! Again; good luck to you.


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