

My grand children come to visit. It the weekend of fisher ghost fair. ,as we have moved in to area in oct. And I am still recovering from a new knee. Let’s see what happens .. So the grand kids arrive ,,.
First off hubby takes them to a movie. I stay home .. Omg
Miss three Kiera is so excited when she gets home ..
Nanny nanny. We went and saw Paddington .. Really. Yes and he put tooth brushes in his ears and twisted and twisted and pulled them out. And licked his yuk .. Omg I said to her . Nanny then he drink the green medicine .. And that yuk ,then him drink the toilet. Nanny I like this movie .. Did you stay thank you to your Poppy for taking you .. She raced over jump up on his lap thank you my poppy .. We’ll miss nine Ayla ,she says his my poppy. Too.. Okay who would like something to eat … No thank you pop took us to maccers,, say Ayla,, okay. pjs girls … Then girls bunked in the spare room .. Next morning swimming of we went nice and early for them 9 am .. Yes I know but it was early for me too…
We had a ball at the pool and no one wanted to leave but miss kiera was having a day nap today .. Home a shower lunch by 1.30 I had her down for a nap and miss Ayla resting on the bed ..
At 4 pm pop was ready I had the girls ready and they where trying to guest where they where going ..
Wow when they seen the gaint Ferris wheel you could hear the screams it’s a fair says miss nine its a fair yells miss three not knowing what a fair was .. We took them and bought them unlimited ride bands ..
Ayla loved sharks revenge which was a water ride she made friends with this other little girl and around and around they went .. Kiera was with pop. Again again again.. Hot dogs Dagwood dogs chips was the order for dinner lemonade coke lollies fairy floss. We bought them show bags. . Then home. We knew what we were doing at nine o’clock we called them out on our balcony. And they watch the fire works .. Oh nanny you are so lucky we watch the New Years fire works also from here before going to bed . And when the circus came we could hear the lions said Ayla. Yes said Kiera the lions are scary … Poppy take us to the circus …
Okay girls come on it good night now …
Ayla threw her arms around my neck .nanny we had the best time thank you .. Oh you need to say thank you to mummy and daddy too they gave.us some money for you girls to so you could have a super good time ..
Pop it’s been the best thank you. Says Ayla. It’s the best coping her sister says Kiera..
The next morning pop said them you better get dressed we are going out ..
Back to the movies. Wow. Home for lunch. Mummy was waiting .. Kiera started to cry

What’s wrong. Omg what happen .. Nothing mum she is having a good time and does not want it to stop. That’s all … I felt so good. They had a great weekend ..
Our daughter said thanks mum I caught up on all my house work sleep and even got a chance to relax with my book. …
2 pm the apartment is quite. My apartment is put back to order vacuum has been put over the floor toys are away linen is blowing in the breeze from there beds.
No one would even know there been . Two tired people sitting in chairs having a well earned cuppa
Wow I must be getting old. We are stuffed.
But in a good way

And I can still here the girls screaming from the open car windows bye nan bye pop …

Posted by liz007, 1st April 2015

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  • I think being grandparents will be the most amazing time, all the joy and fun and then you get to hand them back ;)


  • Thanks for sharing your precious story.


  • What beautiful memories you are creating for your grandkids.


  • What amazing memories you are making for your grandkids


  • It is such a rewarding time! We’ve just got news of our 6th grandchild on the way! Our home has little finger prints on windows & toys all over the house but we wouldn’t want it any other way.


  • I wish I could do these things with my grandkids but my step daughter will never let us have them it so heartbreaking, we love them so much.


  • Wow what a great weekend you gave your grand kids! I can see why they didn’t want to leave! It’s lovely that you can do so much fun stuff for them and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoyed that cuppa lol!
    I’m a Mum of 3 girls aged 9,7 and 3 and I know my parents love them to bits but it’s always nice to sit back, and relax once they’ve left lol ;)


  • It sounds like everyone had a great weekend.


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