

My 11 yrs old son is going threw a hard time his father doesn’t always keep his promises. This wk he told him all wk he would be there in sunday to take him out for the day then rang him at 9am and said he cant come> GOT NO MONEY!! seriously the poor kid was so upset crying he even said don’t answer the phone I don’t want to talk to him. Lucky for me my sister was fantastic and invited him to have a sleepover with his cousins. It just breaks my heart that this man was such a great dad and just because we broke up and hes with other woman he doesn’t have the time for his son. grrrr ok rant over

Posted anonymously, 29th September 2014

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  • This is incredibly sad. How terrible for your son.


  • nice story to have a read


  • Thats shameful isnt it xx


  • Good for you having a rant its important to get it off your chest!!


  • Poor boy, I really feel so sorry for him. His dad seems like he needs a good kick up the behind. Ur kids should always be number one.


  • A lesson unfortunately your son has to experience. Things will change…your son will always make any effort with his dad. Regardless of the let downs, he will still love him. And as his mum, all you can do is be there when your son needs you to listen and care. Heartbreaking xo


  • Your poor son, all he wants is quality time with his dad. Luckily, it sounds like you and he, have a loving extended family.


  • So sorry for your son, he is in my loving thoughts.
    I agree with the other moms, your x’s excuse sure is a lame one, quality time with his son comes free and simply hanging out talking and throwing or kicking a ball does not involve money. So glad is Aunt came to the rescue, as fun time with his cousins could help heal the hurt. Just be there for him when his dad lets him down and maybe have a little extra special time with him, a DVD movie he has wanted to see and some pop corn = son and mum time. All the very best of wishes to you and your son.:-)


  • I think it is so cruel of his Dad to cancel out by using the no money excuse. Your child most probably just needs the attention a father can give & that is free. I’m glad your sister was able to give him the attention he craves & I hope he doesn’t grow up bitter of missing his Father time.


  • Sounds like your son is lucky to have you & your family.. Focus on that :) Poor bugger x

    • I feel so sorry for him, cant believe how easily he can let him down.

      • I couldn’t imagine the struggle of seeing my child go through such disappointment. Some people don’t deserve the right to have a child.. it’s truly heartbreaking..
        But that’s why we show them how much love they deserve every chance we get :)


  • I feel for your son, its no ok when Dad’s are like this, so pleased he was able to do something else.

    • Yes me to poor kid. scares me that he will get into trouble when he is older because his father has no time for him


  • Not sure why he thinks he has to have money to be able to have his son for the day, plenty of free things to do, like just spending quality time, however having no money is probably just and excuse – what a shame for your son, at least he has a loving mother and aunt.


  • Lame excuse! Poor child. Probably would’ve been happy with a homemade cheese sandwich & spending all day with Dad doing free activities like kicking the footy, going to the park to ride a bike, going to the beach & fly a kite, playing a board game or a hundred other things that are free including just hanging out with each other..D’oh


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