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So my husband lost his job around 10 months ago now. He was made redundant as the place he commercially cleaned at was moving interstate. Hubby was devastated and moped around the house for months.
Despite searching, the job market was poor. It was hard, on us as a family, I really don’t make a large income working full time and he was making almost as much as me working as a casual. We had to cut back on a LOT of things, find ways to save everywhere. So weekends became free, packed lunches and playgrounds, I bought second hand school uniforms, let the second cars rego run out and we pulled my youngest son out of child care to save. It is actually amazing what you can do when you have to. We survived.
Hubby had been a little happier in the last couple of months because his job search was looking up, he had actually made it to the interview stage for two jobs. Then last week we received a call we had been waiting for for 10 months, he was getting the job (well almost, he has to complete one week as a trial to see if he fits the position).
So here I am, I have one week until he has his trial, a full week mind you. He starts at 7am and I start at 8am. I have to try and work out how to get my son to childcare and my daughter to school, hubby to work and me to work all with one car. I feel like a chicken with its head cut off. I am floundering, excited but stressed.
I managed to find a childcare that has spots available last minute (I know a miracle right!). They also happen to be associated with an out of school hours service that has a bus to drop kids off to school, I just have to ensure they are able to take my daughter. Now its a matter of trying to sort this work arrangement out when we both are working in completely different directions to each other.
Stressful, but…..
Posted by lepumpkinhead, 24th June 2015
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