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My husband was recently given the chance to go to Japan on an all-expenses paid holiday for 5 nights. As a carpenter who owns his own business, he’s a super hard worker. It was an amazing opportunity for him and I could hear him excitedly nutting out the details over the phone. Just before hanging up, he stated “Let me just check with the missus, but shouldn’t be an issue.” He asked and I said ‘no problem’. That’s it…end of story! All he needed to now was to pack and remember his passport.
So, it got me thinking…If it were me who’d been offered an overseas trip (hey, let’s be honest, I’d even settle for a one night getaway), what planning and organisation would need to take place before I was able to commit?
1. Who’d look after the kids?
2. Who’d clean the house?
3. Who’d wash the clothes?
4. Who actually knows how to use the washing machine?
5. Who’d prepare dinner?
6. Who’d stack the dishwasher or, heaven forbid, wash the dishes?
7. Who’d take Miss 8 to dancing?
8. Who’d take Miss 8 to swimming?
9. Who’d take Miss 2 to playgroup?
10. Who’d complete all hubby’s admin work?
11. Who would do my ‘paid work’ while I’m away?
12. How much annual leave do I have accumulated?
13. Am I able to take annual leave at that time?
14. Etcetera
15. Etcetera
16. Etcetera
So I posed the question to hubby: “What would happen if I went away for 5 days and left you at home to do everything?” Miss 8, overhearing us chatting, butts in and exclaims “Mum, you could never do that! How would we cope?” Hubby looked at me sympathetically and just shrugged his shoulders.
I know it’s great to feel appreciated, but on the downside, I guess I should just throw out that Flight Centre quotation for 3 nights away with the girls in June.
The working mother is highly underappreciated in our society today. We’re wife, mother, cleaner, chef, income earner and taxi driver all rolled into one. Nobody can place a monetary value on our existence.
To any working mothers reading this that feel my pain, print it off and leave it in hubby’s undies drawer (at least you know he’ll see it that way) and maybe, just maybe you might get a bit of appreciation.
Posted by bedda1, 2nd June 2015
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- 03 Jun 2015 , 7:27 pm
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