11 Comment
I agree.
Whilst I can some what understand why parents of sick children still send their kids to daycare/school. I am not in favour of this, unless it purely is just a sniffle and a little cough.
I do not take my child that is starting to become sick, sick or getting better from being sick to childcare, for two reasons, firstly their health … obviously if they’re starting to become unwell, their immune is low and likely to pick up more “bugs” if out at childcare – which can then make their illness worsen; and two, for the other children in the room (it’s unfair to send a sick child to care/school – as it spreads around and makes other children sick).
I know it is hard for some families, as paying for a day of care and not sending their child means a day of work, and that means a day less of pay, but the way I see it, a couple day off childcare to make sure child is better, means less time off work later if the childs condition gets worse.
(same applies to adults in work places, it’s better to stay home a day or two, to rest and get better, than to go to work, spread your germs (make others annoyed that you’re even there or making others sick) and then having to take off more days off work.
Lets hope that this winter, more families are staying home when sick to ensure they don’t spread thier germs around. Fingers crossed for a good cold/flu-free year =)
Posted by dreamer1495, 24th April 2013
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