4 Comment
my 10 year son has been diagonised with adhd,conduct disorder,aniexty and speech and learning difficults.its been hard with each day as you never know what mood hes going to be in.ihave given up my job to give more time as we have alot of appointments coming up. but i dont regret this discision as hes in his last year of primary school this year so i want to get him being able to be more confident and build his self esteem up.hes such a good kid very caring but he is so worried about everything else going on. he has a big heart it breaks my heart seeing him trying to cope. it is also hard as you have to be careful with what you say and how you say it as he has outburst but i love him and going to be there to get my boy through these challanges he has coming up.we are lucky he sat a school who is very supporting.
Posted anonymously, 18th January 2017
mom176887 said
- 20 Mar 2017
june11 said
- 03 Mar 2017
mom81879 said
- 24 Jan 2017
Becca j said
- 23 Jan 2017
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