

I started trying to have a baby since I was 33 and had no success. The doctor explained that my eggs are too old and the only way I would get pregnant was through IVF. So I tried IVF for 5 years, having 8 cycles where I had my heart broken with 3 miscarriages. After that I had a help of an angel egg donor that unfortunately wasn’t meant to be and I didn’t get pregnant.

My husband and I decided to change clinic and doctor and have a last shot, and this new doctor requested new tests and convinced us to have a cycle with my own eggs again. Surprised by his recommendation we had a new cycle and again used my own eggs.

We didn’t have much hope but we thought that using a new protocol with this doctor something could happen.

Today I am very happy to say that I have a miracle baby girl that will born middle of June.

I just want to say is if there is someone out there having some difficulties to achieve the dream to become a mother, please don’t give up, miracles do happen.

Posted by , 22nd April 2013

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  • A couple I know struggled and medical professionals couldn’t find any reason for it, then asked whether or not she worked. Yes, she definitely had a very stressful job, reliant on other Depts. giving her Dept. they worked they needed as they had a tught timed schedule. She decided to retire. Within 12 months she was 6 weeks pregnant.


  • I am so pleased you have become pregnant after all those years and may you and hubby be blessed with all the happiness you deserve.


  • I’m so happy that you got your miracle


  • My partner & I tried for 5 years. We decided to go to the doctor as we knew something was wrong. The doctor told us that we might want to start looking into ivf if we really wanted to conceive. We had decided we may down the track but for now we were going to build our dream home & just enjoy each other. With no stress or thought of the matter, 2 months later I start feeling really sick everyday, sore & bad heartburn which I had never really had before. Did 3 tests & then went to the doctor for him to confirm that yes I’m 3 months pregnant. Miracles do happen. Our daughter is 3 now, healthy, beautiful & full of life


  • Miracles do happen. Congratulations.


  • i know how u feel i spent 7 yrs on ivf… then fell pregnant naturally twice.


  • Just beautiful. Congratulations on your bundle


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