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My 86 year old mum will be visiting in 8 weeks. Myself and my siblings don’t speak. Mum has contacted myself and my sister and, apparently, told both of us she would like it if we could make an effort to be together while she’s here. How she would love to have all her children on speaking terms (there are 2 of us girls and a boy) I have contacted my brother, making an attempt, no reply. I’ve asked mum if my duster has responded to her request, no reply. I’ve told mum that’s it for me, they’ve pretty much proven they’re not interested, I’m not even trying anymore. Which upset her, but I’m tired of always being the one to make an effort. I recently earned my brother isn’t interested in keeping in touch because I was a horrible teenager and gave mum and dad such a hard time (which is true, I was and I did) My sister basically got a new partner and no longer wanted reminders of her past life. I know the 2 of them keep in touch, but I can’t do it anymore. The stress isn’t worth it, I’m happy for them to not be a part of my life
Posted anonymously, 17th January 2017
pakeko said
- 25 Jan 2017
mom81879 said
- 17 Jan 2017
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