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I was pregnant with my baby girl. my first so it was all new to me. I was 8 months pregnant and still working, my boss had been fussing over me for weeks. she finally put her foot down and jokingly said if I don’t make you take time off you are going to have this baby at work. I said not to be silly. I had been getting Braxton hicks for a few weeks and they didn’t seem to bother me much so I kept on working. Three weeks before I was due my boss organised my final shift so I could have time off. now, everything I had heard about going into labour sounded horrible. so I was expecting heaps of pain. The morning of my final shift I woke up feeling like I had eaten something that had given me a tummy ache. I was used to Braxton hicks so that with a lil bit of pain didn’t seem strange. I went to work still feeling uncomfortable. I wasn’t worried thinking it would pass. I was working in the office with the boss. Braxton hicks seemed to be getting a little worse but didn’t hurt. my boss clued on (having three children of her own) that I wasn’t myself and sent me home. I went to a mummy friends house and she listened to me have a bitch about getting sent home for no reason. mean while she decided to time the “Braxton hicks” and noticed they were getting much closer together. still I was not convinced because it didn’t hurt. my asked my dad to give me a lift home so I could rest and get rid of the cramps. but instead my stubborn father dragged me to the hospital. I went in told the nurse I didn’t think I was in labour but wanted to be checked out. she wasn’t worried about me and sat me in a birthing room to wait to be seen. sitting their I felt ok and the nurse asked me a few questions and was going to send me home. I txt my man saying not to come in and that I would be home soon. I’m lucky he never listens to me. he came walking in the door 10 minutes after I txt him. exactly 30 seconds after he walked in, I went into heavy labour and needed to push. the room I was in wasn’t ready and the midwife was still unsure if it was happening. she said just lay down and if you need to push , then push and we will see what happens. all of a sudden I needed to push, my water broke and the babys head could be seen. You have never seen midwives and doctors move so quickly. few minutes later my beautiful baby girl was born. the whole thing took 20 minutes. she was three weeks early and just on 5 pounds. she was happy and healthy and is now growing like a champ. I must say, I never knew what love was until I saw my baby girl and looked into her eyes. you cant put it into words but, I finally understand what love is.
Posted by mcspenny, 30th December 2013
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