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Twp years ago my beautiful daughter was so excited to announce that she was finally pregnant after trying for 4 years, a week later her world crashed all around her when she was rushed to hospital with severe vomiting. Doctors took blood and ran some tests then they came tell us the worst news a mother could ever hear my daughter had Acute Myeloid Leukemia ..My daughter was very confused and upset and didn’t understand how this could possibly be happening. Doctors came to talk to her and had to explain to her that she would not be able to continue her pregnancy as chemotherapy needed to be started immediately.. crying my daughter said she would rather have the baby and not the chemotherapy, they told her she would die if she didn’t have it. then she said she wanted to wait until the baby was old enough to be born at least, again they told her she would die.. my daughter was inconsolable and just wanted to run away, my heart was breaking for her and i spent the next two days watching her cry for her baby she would never hold. they came to talk to us about the treatment the side effects and what could happen during her treatment I was terrified of what she was about to go through.. we were told she would more than likely end up in intensive care with pneumonia, that she could get sepsis that she could get a deadly lung infection that she could die… her world and mine became a living nightmare, two days later they came to take her for the termination.. again she cried and begged them not to, she begged them to let her keep her baby, they told her she couldn’t keep her baby as the chemotherapy would cause major side effects if not kill the baby..If she waited for the baby to be old enough to be born she would die, so she really had no choice.. She came back from her termination a broken young girl and it was heartbreaking for all of us… she started her first round of what was to be 3 months of treatment, A couple of days later the side effects started, the pain started, the anger started, the frustration started, and the i don’t care i just want to go home i don’t care if i die started.. She took all her anger out on me and her nurses and It was the most horrendous time of her life and mine.. Thankfully she went into remission after the first round of treatment but they said she would have to finish the next 2 rounds to stay in remission, we thanked God that apart from one bout of pneumonia she never got any of the other conditions they said she might get…she got through it , it was over and she could go home 3 months after being admitted for what we thought was just a severe case of morning sickness.. The day we were leaving her oncologist came to see her, he was very happy with everything and said she did really well but then he told her she had a 70% chance of relapsing in the first 6 months to 2 years, So from then until now every cough every sneeze every ache and pain my heart stops wondering if this is it, is this a relapse , It’s now 2 years since she went into remission . Last month she started losing weight drastically, she had a racing heart and dizzy spells and was fainting, we went back to the hospital for test but they didn’t know what was wrong all there test came back negative.. I went home and did some research of my own and her symptoms pointed to a thyroid condition called graves syndrome.. so i took her back to the hospital and asked them if they could run some test;s on her thyroid as her symptoms seemed to fit a condition called graves syndrome.. so they took blood and sent it away, three days later we got a call to go and see a specialist at the hospital ,she has now been diagnosed with Graves Syndrome , Her options are limited, Medication would make her Leukemia come back, operate and take out her thyroid but again the medication needed before surgery could cause her Leukemia to come back, Radiotherapy treatment which would kill her thyroid but could also cause other life threatening health issues..she chose not to have any treatment and just live life to the fullest right now, she was given beta blockers to slow her heart rate and at present she is travelling around north Queensland enjoying herself, her doctor tells me that without treatment she will gradually get worse until she really has no choice.. Although i am worried every day i am happy she is getting to enjoy life at the moment.. I keep a positive attitude towards her health and so does she and we both believe thinking positive is very important when you are faced with something like this…
Posted by mom84102, 4th August 2014
mom99528 said
- 04 Jan 2015
manda..84 said
- 06 Oct 2014
no1ladydj said
- 24 Aug 2014
mom84102 said
- 06 Aug 2014
Kelly said
- 05 Aug 2014
mom84102 said
- 04 Aug 2014
hopefullyheidi said
- 04 Aug 2014
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