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Back in 2010 my partner and i fell pregnant with another beautiful baby girl. We were over the moon as our eldest daughter was 3yrs old at the time and wanted a friend. Everything went well with our pregnancy, baby was healthy and growing day by day. We went into labour on exactly the same day her father (my partner) was born. It was tge greatest bday present i could EVER give him. All was going so well UNTIL one night after i fed our beautiful daughter she began power vomiting every where. I thought shr may have over fed but called the nurses and they said she was fine. For a month this continued off and on until i was fed up and wanted answers. I took her the next day to see a nurse and get a full check up on her. Along came my worst fears, unknowingly to me my daughter was born with a heart defect and a hole in her heart 🙁 I was furious that no one had picked this up in my pregnancy or even after she was born. Along road ahead with tests, ecgs and echos and numerous hospital appointments. My daughters case became so seriousdue to her heart beating at 165bpm without feeding and once feeding it raised to 175bpm. She almost had a heart attack at just 2mths old. Both my partner and i were so distressed that it hadnt been picked up earlier and that our poor little girl was battling everyday just to have a feed and keep it down. Our miracle baby was rushed in for emergency surgery at just 3mths old as she was losing weight and fading away slowly. We prayed daily and hoped for a miracle. After having major heart surgery our daughter was placed in ICU for 4 days. Seeing her little face connected to all sorts of tubes and machines i felt like some how it was my fault. She looked so lifeless laying there unabe to breathe on her own, not waking up. After surgeryshe was also placed on blood preassure medcation due to her heart now working differently and adjusting to how her heart pumped blood through her poor little body. Those 2mths in and out of hospital were the worst 2mths of my life and there was nothibg i could do to ease my little girls pain. FINALLY after many more months of check ups and tests our miracle baby was given the all clear and is now a beautiful, fearless, healthy 3yr old. Im sharing my story in hopes that people can help and support the heart foundation as you may NEVER know when you will need there help and support. Id like to thank EVERYONE in the cardiac unit at the royal childrens hospital melbourne for saving my daughters life and for all your love and support getting me through the hardest time in my life.
Posted by Shazadi, 5th May 2014
catgrrl3 said
- 20 May 2014
coppin85 said
- 12 May 2014
tamandimmy said
- 12 May 2014
Shazadi said
- 10 May 2014
Kelly said
- 08 May 2014
Shazadi said
- 07 May 2014
amandaks said
- 07 May 2014
Shazadi said
- 05 May 2014
BellaB said
- 05 May 2014
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