

Writing this to share the joy that my family and myself get out of having pets. They can teach children love and kindness and to be gentle and much much more. We have 2 dogs, 2 budgies, 4 yabbies, 5 gold fish and sadly we lost all our marine fish just recently apart from 1. Your children can learn responsibility, by feeding them bathing them and cleaning tanks and taking care of them. One of our budgies talks and talks very well, he is a chatterbox in the mornings so you cannot forget to cover them with a blanket at bed time otherwise the talking starts at about 6 in the morning sometimes earlier. They are a lot of work but they are family.

Posted anonymously, 30th May 2014

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  • Exactly, pets are an important part of the family and we treat them as such!


  • We wouldn’t be without Fids… furry, feathered and finned kids


  • I agree totally….pets are great for a family and to teach kids responsibility and how to care for something. I am always wary of people who don’t like animals or are cruel to animals……it tells a lot about a person.


  • Chloe is part of our family, not just a dog


  • we have 4 fur babies, and they are fantastic to learn from no matter what age, they teach us patience and unconditional love.

    I think there is nothing sweeter than gaining the love and trust of an animal.


  • Hi, thank you for your lovely story, We are the same, I have everything from 2 furbabies (doggies), 1 cat, 1 pet cow ‘molly’, ducks and a goose that arrived in our yard 9 years ago called ‘oink’. We also have a sulphur crested cockatoo called sully. I would be lost without our pets.

    My hubby and I manage holiday rental homes in St Helens, Tasmania. They are pet friendly so people who can’t usually go away because they have pets, can bring them along, they are allowed inside, or if they are outside pets, there are fenced yards. We even know a lovely lady who will look after your pet if you want to go out for the day somewhere you can’t take your pet, such as a national park, she will care for and love your pet. Another lady will come and wash your pet for you. We won’t take any places unless they are pet friendly as we believe you should be able to take your pet with you.

    Thank you for allowing me to share my little story with you, I just enjoyed your story so much. Big cuddles to all your babies that you can cuddle. xxx Dee


  • yes we love our pets aswell, my kids feed the dog every night and their fish, where would we be without our beloved pets


  • You can’t stay mad or angry when your patting a dog they relieve stress. My husband wanted more kids, hence the fact we have two dogs. They are my babies as well as my two real life babies.

    • Totally agree. I’m a dog lover and they are a very good stress reliever. Apparently it has also been recognised how valuable they are for the elderly for this reason in nursing homes etc

      • We so need a pet. It would give my husband someone else to yell at besides the kids! (That’s was a joke by the way)


  • We lost our dog a few years back it really hit hard with my kids they were so upset, we loved our dog so much and we haven’t replaced her and don’t think we ever will now.
    We have 3 guinea pigs and 2 chickens that’s enough for us now.


  • I would be lost without my dog, and the unconditional love that I get from him. Life without pets is not living.


  • They feel like children. Som demand a lot of attention.


  • We shared my daughters dog Harry – he was their fur child. Sadly passed away in 2012 not long after their daughter was born. I’ve never seen my daughter so shattered and depressed. A few months ago they got a little puppy for their daughter and she is fast becoming another fur child.


  • Pets definitely add so much to your family. We love our little dog. My girls call him their little brother!!! And yes he is very spoilt, but earns it all in how much love he gives.


  • We have cat too, It’s parts of our family member.


  • They certainly are they play a very important role in our house and we love our cats


  • They clefts toy are they play a very important role in iur house and we love our cats


  • I agree it teaches children so much, including the circle of life, it prepares them for when things happen to people a lot better than those who haven’t lost anything ( I have found).


  • so true! our dog is the most gentle dog I’ve seen


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