
12 Comment

we keep having possums come into the back yard and fight each other, or the neighbours cats at night. That was until I found a solution that did not involve traps.

Who would have thought a simple mixture of a jar of Vicks Vapour rub, and a jar or vaseline, mist together, and then spread on the underneath of the top rail of the fence (I am lucky, I have the post side on my side, not the plank side) all along the perimeter fence would actually be enough to keep the possums from coming into the back yard any more. They hate the smell of the Vicks, and the only reason you mix it with the vaseline is to make it spread easier and further!

its a cheap and easy way to stop that screaming noise that used to wake us up when they were fighting in our back yard 🙂

Posted by catgrrl3, 27th October 2013

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  • We had the same problem at our old place and it can be annoying,thanks for the tips if needed in the future!


  • My daughter is experiencing a possum problem at the moment. I’m going to head over there now and try this because, oh boy, do they make a mess on her verandas


  • That’s so funny, Vicks hey? I like it.


  • nice story for read


  • Wonderful tip, guess what hubby is doing today!!, I only have the home brand one so we will see how it goes, damn sick of possums, we live in a suburban area but with heaps of wildlife, lovely area but there are sactrifices, I can live with the wallabies, the koalas, echidnas, sleepy lizards and geckos, but the possums are so destructive and NOISY, thanks again


  • OMG! This pure genius! Love it.


  • What a wonderful tip, I will have to let my mother know.


  • Your idea is brilliant !


  • we had a possum stuck in our tree the dogs were after him. but my hubby saved him.


  • Good to know. I have a friend who has possums in her roof- will pass this info to her


  • I love this idea. I’m going to give it a go today. We cannot get rid of the possums who run wild across the roof at night fighting and keeping everyone awake. And they trash our veggie patch if we don’t keep it tightly covered every night – and often the kids have been in there and leave the netting loose somewhere. I know they are meant to be protected but they are the most annoying animals to have to share property with.


  • Wow – what a great idea and fantastic that it doesn’t harm the possums either.


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