

My Master 4 was having a shower earlier and I told him to call out when his ready to hop out because I don’t want him falling over. I must’ve been out of the bathroom no longer than 2 minutes when I heard a massive bang then silence. This kid is forever knocking himself out to point of convulsions and unconcious so I run back down the hallway and into the bathroom as fast as I possibly could. Almost slipped on my ass because tiled floor plus socks is not a good mix. I open the door to find him standing in the shower just looking bluntly at me.
Mum: mate are you ok?
Master 4: yeah, are you?
Mum: yeah I’m ok bud. What was that noise?
Master 4: oh that was just me filling up and dropping my cup..(points to cup on shower floor).
Mum: ok, do you like giving me heart attacks?
Master 4: it’s funny!

He’s got to be the master at practical pranks!

Posted by mom118019, 15th May 2015

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  • teribble


  • Don’t those loud thump noises fill you with dread.

    • Yep! His full on lol. Only yesterday he decided to climb up and fall off (about 1.2 metres) our driveway ledge head first. Massive thud. He cried for a bit but there was no blood, no bruising, no bumps, no uneven pupils or getting knocked out. I think his training his head for footy when his older lol


  • Haha… Sounds like you have a smart little kid there. Good luck and I’m glad everything was ok!


  • I think I would have panicked too, cheeky little thing.


  • I call,it the terrible 3s, it took us 12 years to have another boy ,having 3 daughters in between, my 3 year old son , is rough and tough and completely different too the girls, he is also very cheeky and puts on a cute smile to get his own way, enjoy them being little,characters while you can because before you know it they are too embarrassed to be seen in public with you.

    • lol yeah we normally call it testing 2’s and terrible 3’s but he hasn’t settled down after terrible 3’s and has turned 4 so his def having a longer version of it. Yeah I love his little antics, as much as he gives me grey hairs and my heart in throat 24/7, I wouldn’t have him any other way :-)


  • Oh no! Just imagine what he will get up to when he is older lol, glad he had listened and stayed in the shower though.


  • oh little cheeky monkey! and they come from a place of innocence lol


  • ohhhh my….my heart would have come out my throat!


  • haha…little prankster! this reminded me of the other night while my daughter was showering and I went in to tell her to get out, only I scared her (I didn’t mean too) and she slipped and hit her head on the tiled wall. she was so upset, I felt bad and so the night ended with lots of cuddles!


  • I bet the cups had now been removed!

    • Oops! should read: cup has now been removed!

      • Unfortunately not lol it’s the only way I can get him to wash his privates properly. It’s the “shower cup” lol


  • Well, it could have been much worse…


  • Oooohhhhh!!! :-)
    Well, I’m glad he didn’t fall, even if you almost did! :-)


  • Cheeky little monkey. Glad he was ok though


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