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When my son was two and a half he got a cold. Not a bad cold. Just the sniffles. It was nothing. We knew before this cold that he got a bit wheezy sometimes, and we dragged the ventolin with us everywhere we went ‘just in case’ but it wasn’t a big deal at all. He just got a bit of a cough.
My little man never got sick so when he got this cold it broke my heart to see him so poorly. He’d been sick for only a day or two when he started having a bit of a struggle to breathe. But it was still nothing. He had a nap, which he never did that time of morning anymore, and I went and had a shower. I was gone for less than five minutes but when I got back he’d gone from an average sleeping snotty toddler to trying to wake up and hardly able to breathe. It was terrifying.
The hospital is really close to us so he got bundled in the car gasping for breath and in a minute we were at triage in emergency. This hospital is pretty notorious for taking hours to get in and be seen. Well, not this day. They took one look at him and there were people everywhere. They kicked someone out of resus for us!
I was working at a local petrol station at the time and the nurse who was on when we got there happened to be a customer I just couldn’t stand. He was snobby and rude and just always cranky. But oh boy is he ever good at his job. He was clearly in charge and was ordering us all about. It seemed like he grew another 2 pairs of arms to help me hold my son down to get him to take his puffer. It took 16 puffs of ventolin one after the other before his breathing started to come under control.
We ended up staying in hospital for 3 days before we finally got his breathing back under control. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever been through. I will never forget how quickly it got so bad. And all because of a cold! I never really gave much thought to flu vaccines before this. But now we all get one. If a cold could nearly kill him, I feel sick thinking what the flu could do. I have a new appreciation for the fact that he’s such a healthy little kid.
Posted by mom206279, 9th March 2017
mom110650 said
- 14 Mar 2017
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