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For some reason I love being pregnant.
I can’t complain, I have good pregnancies. Good in the fact that I fall pregnant easily and do not suffer morning sickness! But don’t be worry I suffer from several other ‘pregnant’ related issues that affect my life.
My main issues are dreadful haemorrhoids and, much to my husbands distress, terrible snoring.
Never in my life did I have haemorrhoids before I fell pregnant. The pain of them is unbearable to the point that I find it very difficult and extremely painful when I go to the toilet.
Originally the bleeding caused by my haemorrhoids worried me as I could distinguish if it was them or pregnancy related. Medication is average with haemorrhoid cream giving minor relief but not completely solving the problem.
My snoring on the other hand is on another level again. My husband informs me I never snored before I was pregnant but the minuet I fall pregnant you know because the snoring (and the haemorrhoid) come back before I even take a test. It has gotten so bad my husband either rolls me over, wakes me up and moves to another room to stop the noise. I’m told it’s like a freight train chugging along at full speed!
So yes I may have good pregnancies in one sense but we all suffer from other issues that are often not talked about. (I didn’t even get to the stretch marks that have destroyed my body)
Posted by Lully, 27th February 2022
mom160289 said
- 21 Jun 2022
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