
10 Comment

I remember when I envied the mums that got to drop their children at school each day and spend the rest of the day to do as you please. My daughter started kindy this year, and I was truly excited to finally be one of those mums. I do have a 2 yr old as well, perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with him and not have to find things to do all day to occupy both. I had no idea that getting 2 children woken up, brekkie, uniform ironed, lunch packed, teeth cleaned, hair done and then finally get myself ready and out the door to walk the 2 blocks to school before 8.30, would be so difficult!!

There is no time for me to do anything after I have done a load of washing, drying, folding, vacuuming, cleaning, making beds and cooking the dinner, school pick up at 2.45 and then frantically getting ready for work, get home about 11pm and sleep at abou midnight. I then get up and do it all again!! Bring on school holidays please!!

Posted by reneem1, 28th June 2013

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  • What could make things easier for you is if you get as much done the night before as possible. Eg pack lunch, iron uniform etc You’re better off, time wise, to do it this way


  • It is certainly not an easy life, working and keeping house and doing the school drop off and pick up.


  • Na aw, it’s such a special time though! You watch, when they’ve grown up,and you’ve stopped doing it, you’ll miss it. My kids have flown the coop, I miss everything about having them here at home….even the fights and arguments


  • I know. It doesn’t get any easier and the time seems to fly.


  • Yes, it’s a shock that your time is so limited now and trying to fit everything into school hours is almost impossible. You have to be super organised and plan what you need to do.


  • Yes, there are much to do around the homes etc, but there wil be recreation times with the family. Everthing are for a good cause though 🙂


  • being a mum is hard work


  • Awe I completely sympathise. When my youngest started kindly I applied for and won a part time job. I thought great this will give me more motivation to get things done and I felt like I had plenty of time before hubby got home, To tidy up and whatnot. Did not happen! Now I have gone full time and am actually more organised now than I was when I stayed at home! Enjoy your time with your little one it goes so quickly! Take a day each week to go to playgroup/catch up with a friend/ read a book with your younger one. And good luck 🙂


  • How true it feels only like yesterday that my kids were in primary school now one has finished and at uni and the other about to do her HSC soon


  • I can fully relate to this the time truly does fly


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