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I get so excited when the toy sales start that I have to remind myself that I only have the one child to buy for! I usually try to pick a few things out for Christmas while they are on special. I am waiting out for the Target one hoping that they have the toy I am after on special. My husband has been trying to avoid the stores because he knows how full the trolley can get 🙂

Posted anonymously, 28th June 2014

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  • It’s great getting things on sale, i try to be organised early to make xmas easier


  • great


  • yeah you can pick up some good bargains there


  • Good idea to pick things out for Christmas; all savings help the family budget.


  • the target one was not as good as I thought it was going to be, but you are so right nothing like a good toy sale


  • I was disapointed with the Target one, nothing really jumping out at me this year


  • I left the chidren at home with my husband and got most of the kids christmas presents from the toy sale but. I cant wait for the target one to start 😉


  • Loved the toy sale online 🙂 didn’t risk going in store can’t handle the kids and the crowd


  • Reading all the catalogs and then cooling off before I go shopping is necessary for me.


  • I LOVE the toy sales too. I really love that this year you could buy in advance and layby ahead of time. I HATE having to go to the store when the sales are on. There are some people who aren’t so nice and start pushing and shoving or complaining loudly about the line at layby. I don’t enjoy that side of the toy sales.


  • I always look for good specials threw out the year and if I get to the sales than I get some then as well but I do 2 lay bys 1 for Christmas That’s when I normally get each child’s main presents and the second is for the birthdays but this year with things going on I don’t think I will get near any of them so I will watch for toy sales closer to the end of the year. I must admit I did love them alot more when I was working and did not have to worry about the totals


  • I know it’s hard to resist, but depending on the age of your child, sometimes it can be a mistake buying too early. Every time I bought early, the kids changed their minds to what they just had to have. If possible leave on lay-by till the last minute, so you can return it if need be


  • I love the toy sales as well and always end up buying far to much but i just cant help myself its like christmas in June 🙂
    Im also waiting on the Target sale.


  • I’m the same..my daughter has to many toys but I can’t help myself lol. Hope you get the toys you wants on sale


  • ha ha – yes, I saw a few husbands with loaded trolleys 🙂


  • LOL I feel like I wrote this post myself! I have only one child and sometimes I feel like im buying for 10 i know it’s bad but I can’t help myself when it comes to sales.


  • I normally don’t buy in the toy sales as my 6 year old always changes his mind what he wants but my newborn I’ll be safe on whatever I buy but I’ll have to try not over buy for his first Christmas!!


  • I love the toy sales. Just hate the crazy people running around. It’s ridiculous how full the shopping centre gets.


  • It’s easy to go overboard buying toys, especially when they’re on special. I always keep an eye on all the “junk mail” catalogues during the year, because you can really save some money. Also you don’t have to fight with other people when toys are in sort supply in the lead up to Christmas. And it saves making impulse purchases because “it’s only a couple of days to Christmas” … you’re more likely to buy wisely if you do it at leisure.


  • I remember going off to the toy sales at midnight & lining up for the doors to open for my first child 10yrs ago. Now I don’t have the excitement anymore due to everything being online. Also I’ve curbed my spending as with your first you want to buy everything. My 4yr old still gets toys but not like with my first.Enjoy your shopping adventures!


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