

Last week I went to do my grocery shopping and I had my son with me. When I got to my car I unloaded my shopping and was in the process of strapping my son into his car seat when I noticed the owner (an older man) of the car next to me waiting to get in. I went to move my trolley so he could get through and he promptly offered to return my trolley for me. I told him it wasn’t necessary but he insisted and returned it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. This was so unexpected and kind, I couldn’t thank him enough. I drove home feeling so good that there are still good, kind people out there. I hope others take a leaf out of this man’s book.

Posted anonymously, 24th May 2016

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  • How kind you really don’t find that happens much these days


  • What a lovely thing to do.


  • love when people offer to do this, make sure you PIF


  • It is the lovely simple things that make me smile. I just don’t know why there isn’t kind of it, it’s not hard


  • Something simple can make a big difference, can’t it?


  • That’s wonderful. Such a nice thing to do


  • It just goes to show how such a small act of kindness can have a such a profound effect on ones day. If we all adapt this mentality and be kind to one another even in a small way, the world really will be happier.


  • I wish more people would be like this man but sadly they are of a better generation, that has respect and love for all…


  • That’s so nice to hear. These acts of kindness really make the world a better place!


  • It is lovely when people do little things like this you don’t expect!


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