

1. Clear the house of junk food. Ensure that you stock a range of snacks that are healthy and quick to prepare, such as fruit.

2. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and eat dinner like a pauper.

3. If nothing else, go out for a walk. It is free, most people can do it and it does get you from A to B. It will clear your mind, move those joints and ….get you from A to B.

4. Spend time with people that make you happy.

5. And/or watch or listen to something that makes you laugh.

6. Take all of your medication as directed. Question the prescribing doctor if you are not happy with the medication that has been prescribed for you.

7. When grocery shopping, spend most of the time in the periphery where the fresh food is most usually stored.

Posted by deb_gs, 28th April 2015

Post your story
  • All great tips especially no.4,thanks so much!


  • Great advice! Now that spring is here its a great idea!


  • Agree with the junk food, if its not there, I don’t eat it, out of sight out of mind.


  • My favorite is number five … laugh!!


  • For me, if it’s not in the house, I won’t eat it!


  • Well said :-) !


  • I love point number 2. I am a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don’t eat much for lunch or tea. Glad I’m on the right track healthwise :)


  • I love to have a fruit bowl overflowing fruit and it makes the table looks so pretty and inviting too! :)


  • Simple tips to live by. Thank you.


  • Number 1 really helps. If it’s not in the house, you can’t eat it.


  • The laughing tip is fantastic! We should do it every day!! Just watching our favourite comedy can be enough! :-)


  • Thanks for sharing your health tips with everyone on this site.


  • I do no. 4. Happiness breeds happiness.


  • You make some very good points. Thanks for sharing


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