

I learnt a rather interesting fact today. Did you know that the numbers on your toaster dial actually stand for the number of minutes of cooking time, rather than the level of how toasted your bread will be. I most certainly didn’t, it was news to me. Goes to show, you can learn something new every day!

Posted anonymously, 24th April 2015

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  • Another piece of trivial information I’ll remember!


  • well at 5 “mins” my toast would be on fire lol


  • The lowest setting on my toaster (1) varies with each slice of bread toasted. A white slice is toasted enough, a wholemeal or rye slice is never toasted enough & a raisin slice always burns! It would be good to have a see through toaster for my next toaster replacement!


  • I had read that on social media. I might check out Cherz’s


  • ill have to test this out but yes I heard that too


  • Sorry anon but the internet seems to disagree with this..there are many many sites that disagree but this one has an experiment that proves this theory false.
    What Do The Numbers On Toasters Mean? | Gizmodo …
    Dec 11, 2014 – Ever wondered what the numbers on your toaster… really… mean? This video explains. It certainly isn’t minutes, as the head-to-head toast race in the video explains. In fact, it turns out that they don’t really mean anything of real merit.


  • I must admit I did not know this either ..will be testing my toaster to see how accurate it is. lol.


  • Really??? I didn’t know it either!!!


  • I only recently learnt this also! I always thought it was how toasted you wanted your bread! haha


  • I didn’t know that either.Thank you for sharing


  • Really! Now I am intrigued will time my toast next time to see :)

    • LOL! I think there will be lots of timing going on!


  • There are some amazing toasters on the market.


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