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Many times we’ve had lively discussions and sometimes arguments on whether the kids should be getting homework when they are in primary and high school. My father is an adamantly opposed to kids getting homework and was the same with us. I find that personally what I’m seeing is that it’s not being spread out enough and the bigger problem is what the homework actually is. I would love to know that the time being spent by the kids and older nephew on their homework is learning the basics fundamentals of maths and reading and writing. I was so pleased recently to see that my nephew had to write a short story but what worries me is that not only is the homework not marked or assessed with feedback from the teaches but that this good type of homework is being done in our high school and not a lot earlier in their schooling. Then of course I feel really old when I start to say “When I went to school we did…”

Posted by mom179594, 30th April 2016

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  • I think there needs to be a shift in the way we are teaching our kids as I think all schools are still teaching the way it’s been done since last century. I think it would be awesome if kids went home with the idea they read about what they are learning. Then if they have questions or exercises to do, they are done in class with the teacher present the next day so any questions can be answered directly by the teacher and assisted help can be immediately provided.


  • My 7yo loves homework so I’m happy for her to do it. She get’s set homework and usually asks for more. This is usually basic maths or a continuance from what they are learning in class. Then we choose different subjects for more homework as she loves to learn and to be challenged.

    My 9yo hates school and hates homework so we’ve not done a lot until this year. He does the minimum amount set by the teacher which is fine by me.
    We do more homework (regular life skills around the house like cooking where he is using maths etc).

    i really think you just need to do what is right for each individual child.


  • Homework should be a consolidation of what you did in class.


  • I loved homework when I was young. If school didn’t send home anything I would ask my parents to set me some extra work to do. Yes I was a strange kid! But I say that because all kids are different and I imagine some may struggle with so much extra work.


  • Homework should definitely be limited and be covering what is being taught at school to reinforce the basics. It should always be marked – otherwise – whats the point? A general shift towards computer based homework is something I am not too sure about – but I suppose times are changing…


  • Home work in small doses eg a easy to read reader everynight is ok with me, some kids really need that kind of support as learning to read is hard and they could easily get passed over in school if the parents are not willing to help out.. But too much is so wrong and can overload a child esspecially if it dosnt get marked or go towards their learning goals i see no point in it..


  • My son is in Prep and he gets homework. It’s not a great deal, a reader every night and they need to practise some of their key words and on Tuesday they bring home their letter scrapbook and they need to find pics of things that begin with the letter they are learning that week. I believe that it re-inforces what they are learning at school.


  • I don’t like it when it’s something they haven’t been taught and I’m expected to teach it! It should be reinforcing things taught in class.

    • I don’t like that either. They shouldn’t be new concepts, I agree!

      • I agree, that is what they go to school for.


  • I don’t like much homework either. In primary school in my idea it should be limited as much as possible. In high school I like it when they give some interesting assignments, for example studying a historic period, and then writing a story about people that lived during that time. Or creating science models at home. Thus something that would take quite some time in class, but at home it would be engaging for the kids. And possibly spread throughout at least 3 weeks.
    In primary school what I found very helpful was having to repeat the time tables at home. It really helps in speeding up. In particular if you use some websites that make time tables fun! 🙂

    • I was given assignments in years 6 and 7. Admittedly we had 2 or 3 weeks to research, do them and pass them in. I remember doing one on water. Which areas got the best rainfall, how it was stored and how it was used.
      In Primary School I believe in early years it should be spelling and recognising words. Later they need to learn the meaning of words. They need to be able to do basic arithmetic – addition, subtraction, times and division. We also did history and geography in primary school. I believe homework should be revision of what they are actually learning at school – not other things beyond their years as is given in some private schools. I also believe that the teachers should correct the spelling in stories that the pupils write. How else will they learn that they have got it wrong.


  • It is still early days for us but I think core material should be learnt in class and homework (if any) gives a chance to try concepts already learnt, and should be “optional”. Also if it wasn’t completed at home (or can’t be because of sport/family) then there is also chance in class to complete it. But often this doesn’t happen! I sort of like the idea that work not finished in class (eg because of chatting) has to be finished at home, and I really like the idea that anything the child does at home is of their own design (eg they want to write a story, or read about something,or whatever). It would be nice to get feedback from the teacher, especially if there were problems. I agree that a lot of work set seems “wasteful” of time, just a busyness for the sake of something to do, plus lots of rote learning (of spelling and maths) that I thought went out the window decades ago. And which doesn’t seem to be used / recalled when needed; just for the test!


  • Homework is good for revision and reinforcing concepts, but it should not overtake home life. It should help with setting up good study patterns for future years of study.

    • Homework should be marked and students given feedback for parents to see too. School is about, children, parents and teachers. Everyone is responsible for learning.


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