

Is it just me or do A lot of tradies that you call to your home for quotes make a judgement on what you can afford, we live in a nice area which is expensive, it was not when we moved here and would not be able to afford to move here now, Most recently I have had some quotes for painting, it went from $2100 to $4600, same work, same paint, the most expensive one commented on what a lovely home, lovely location, beautiful views etc, this is all correct however it has not impact on our financial situation and we simply want a fair job at a fair price. We renovated our wet areas about 18 mnths ago and had the same problem in that the quotes were from $20k to over $40, for exactly the same job. I now you get what you pay for but it seems that some tradies think that if you can afford it you should pay more, and speaking to neighbours this is a common complaint. I hate having to get someone to our home to get a quote for something, the price is always better in the shop before they see the house, Is it me or am I paranoid.

Posted by mom109463, 9th February 2015

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  • This was very interesting to read about!


  • the story is exellent


  • In my case your lucky if they even show up. I recently wanted to extend the concrete driveway so that I could park the trailer there without the need to mow around it and I rang 3 trades for quotes and not one of them showed up!! I recon in a lot of cases you can do a better job yourself anyway!


  • Hmm I recently had a discussion with a friend about how the different experiences and how rude some of them (tradespeople) can be. My brother is a tradesman I might add, and I cannot imagine him being as rude as some of the encounters I have had. I hid keys out in a location disclosed to only myself and the trade company, only to have to ring them not the other way around when I got home from work, to be told oh shucks sorry but the plumber that was supposed to turn up didn’t ring us and tell us he had a dental appointment, so sorry but we will have to organise another day. Sounds like they are being judgmental and trying to take you for a ride in terms of price – how frustrating. I would maybe drop in something like you would have gotten your friend to do it, but they are overseas at the moment. That way the tradespeople get the idea that you may have a preconceived idea of how much you should be getting charged. When I go to any mechanic alone, even though I’m a single woman I always allude to the fact that I have a friend who knows a thing or two about cars. I know it’s probably a bit bad to have to think this way, but Ive had far too many experiences as a single woman where men try to rip me off and think I’m silly.


  • I think your spot on there im afraid they do look at your home and what you have before they quote as they think you can afford it.


  • It is incredible how a quote can vary for the same work required. I think it is important to ask around as word of mouth can help your decision in the end.


  • Sometimes it depends how long they’ve been around for, how many people they’ve done work for, and if they have great recommendation they seem to up the prices, unless you are a previous client.


  • Some do judge but go through recommendations. You do get what you pay for though so get as many quotes as you can and go with someone somewhere in the middle.

    • I agree use a tradie with good recommendations from people you know.


  • I have never had a bad experience with tradies. Most of them are pretty honest I think.


  • I got 2 quotes for the same job. When I queried he was dearer his explanation was that he runs his business differently. His guys were quicker but they came from further away(+ more hours for labour); but the other one employed a younger one to give him a job and possibly an apprenticeship if he kept turning up for work unlike some couldn’t because they had a hangover or just couldn’t be bothered working some days.


  • Its true. Sadly. And its so common place, they dont even bat an eyelid


  • You are so right we did one house up in a less than lovely area and it cost us a whole lot less than it did in our next house. Which was less work for more money and the tradie where also harder to work with

    • Thank you, so I am not crazy, it is just so annoying that tradies think they can charge what they want because they think you can afford it, and I hate having to get heaps of quoted, it wastes the tradies time and mine, all I want is a fair job for a fair price, hardly rocket science.


  • That’s why you always get a few quotes

    • What annoys me the most is the absolute waste of time getting quoted, I don’t like wasting tradies time asking for quotes that I know will be out of whack, we live in a 2 story home with absolutely fantastic views, one can almost guarantee that when a tradie starts commenting on the location and how lovely the view is that the quote will be at least a third more than it should be, it is almost comical, we do tend to use the same trades now but some do think that they can price according to the area, I really think are unfair to themselves.


  • Quotes usually vary a lot (that’s why you get several) and a job can look different in situ I guess… But even so, yes, they may be making a judgement.


  • From my experience I think it also comes down to how much they want the job. If they have lots of work or just don’t want to do the work they up the price. So not always true that you get what you pay for


  • It is always important and essential to get plenty of quotes for any work done to your home. The prices quoted by trades people for jobs varies regardless of location. Just go with a quote that is the best and suits your budget. Best being quality work and budget being something you can afford.

    • Agreed, we always get a few quotes and like to check out the quality of work as well, but earlier this year we had a quote for some work on our swimming pool equipment, (annoying because no one uses it) one local trade quoted $750 for one part, and $820 for another part plus install $110 for visit and first half hour, another one was $350 and $595 plus $80 flat fee install, this was for the exact same parts, same manufacturer, I know people need to make a profit but this is just extortion. I like to use the local trades but sometimes it is just not possible.

      • Maybe “call them” on it. See if they will price match! I always get quotes and then compare and ask about the difference in price. They always explain and often drop the price too. Maybe this is a good way to stop the differences in cost. I know it can be frustrating when you feel like you are being ‘robbed’.

      • I would like to ask why the difference in price, however I always tell any trade that I want best price first time, especially when they say they will price match, I figure that if they are prepared to rip me off to start with then they are prepared to do it at any time, so I tend to avoid them if they come in with a stupid quote, and if they call and want to know why they did not get the job, I tell them to expensive, then if they say they would have matched it I tell them that I wanted their best price first time, that I do not have time to negotiate prices. some get really indignant about this but it does pull them up and hopefully make them think before trying to rip someone else off.


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