
14 Comment

For a long time now I have considered starting my own blog. I start researching and thinking about how I want it to look and want things I want it to address, then just before I sit down to write my first entry I get terrible cold feet. Who wants to read what I have to say? Who will even be interested in what I have to say? How am I going to find the time to keep it up?? You’re studying and looking after two young children you wally!!

The main reason I wanted to start a blog is for myself..to keep track of how my babies grow so quickly and the things that we do together. Also, I’m studying education and want to share some knowledge with other mums (what knowledge you ask? yeah, I don’t know either haha).

But in speaking with a friend recently, who is constantly asking me questions about what activities I do at home with my children and how I come up with the ideas, I realised that maybe if this one person is so interested then surely there are other crazy people like her. Light bulb moment..Just Do It!

Posted by breekelly, 12th October 2013

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  • umming and ahhing


  • I hope that you have fulfilled your dream


  • I hope you have done it


  • I hope you ended up doing it! 🙂


  • Stop umming and ahing and just do it!


  • im sure you will get a lot of people reading go for it


  • I think it is a great idea. You can add photos as you go …. Another idea create email addresses for your kids and the send them emails and pics so they have them always


  • do it will be good fun. i will read it


  • Go for it you have nothing to lose!!


  • Go for it! You will be surprised how many people will read and comment!


  • Do it for yourself! I often look up things activities to do at home with my kids and most of my ideas have come from blogs, so I for one would be interested in any educational themed blogs.


  • Will never know unless you try! I bet you’d be fabulous, go for it, youd be proud of yourself in the least


  • Do it for yourself anyway and it will be a great time capsule of things that you’ve done with your kids. You may be surprised at the number of people that read it 🙂


  • I would have a read. And as a mum you might have a lot to say


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