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Did I mention that a while ago I started reading “How Not to Die” by Dr Greger? Well a lot has happened since I started reading that book advocating a plant based diet. I’m almost converted to being vegetarian, and see eating meat as something quite ‘dangerous’ to my long term health – at least this week! What has changed?
1) I have become convinced that vegetables REALLY do make a HUGE difference to health and in general it sounds as if Western population doesn’t get enough of them (despite the 2:5 campaigns) and is getting sick with diseases that just do not appear in poor nations who eat mainly vegetables.
2) I have noticed how LITTLE vegetables are included in the recipes I come across (including on this site!) and while magazines always have something “vegetarian” they don’t get across the importance of vegetables, nor the simplicity of cooking them.
3) Vegetables are almost always considered a ‘side’ in the mindset of family and friends.
I still lots of questions – for example, whether all vegetables are equal and whether some should be avoided for various reasons to do with existing imbalances in the body, or your own food intolerance situation, but I’m well on the way to saying I really don’t like the sound of eating meat.
Today my ‘conversion’ experience was cemented when I realized how easy and tasty it was to make a vegetable snack. I can’t help but share it. Rather than heading for the traditional packaged snack, or baked goody, or even handful of nuts, I opted to spent around 3 minutes preparing a vegetable dish that could be eaten hot or cold. Here it is:
A few chunks of sweet potate (I cheated and cooked in microwave for 1 minutes) tossed into a pan with some onion, tumeric, cumin, apple cider vinegar (for reasons I wont go into here!) and kale. I was amazed how simple it was to prepare, how delicious, how healthy and how much I enjoyed eating it compared to what I might have had.
I only wish I’d had this when the children were younger – much better than the junk I used to throw together from packets – but it still isn’t too late! I think after school and weekends are going to look a little different from now!
Anyone else love vegetables? or have experiences to share with how quick and simple they are to prepare and how yummy to eat as mains or snacks?
Posted anonymously, 20th May 2016
mom19782016 said
- 12 Jun 2016
jabelle said
- 23 May 2016
BellaB said
- 22 May 2016
june11 replied
- 31 May 2016 , 6:42 pm
mom93821 said
- 22 May 2016
mum4107 said
- 21 May 2016
mom93821 replied
- 23 May 2016 , 7:14 pm
mom81879 said
- 21 May 2016
mom90758 said
- 20 May 2016
june11 replied
- 09 Jul 2016 , 2:45 pm
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