

2 weeks ago I became a volunteer for the Endeavour Foundation. I am loving it.
I have struggled finding paid work that will compliment my studies, so I decided on volunteering and it just so happened that the perfect position was available for me. I had no idea how much they really needed me! I am receiving so much exposure into my chosen field for my career, that I am so overwhelmed, but excited at the same time. I feel great knowing that I can help out in a place where I am needed.
Volunteering is not just for those that no longer work or are older, anyone can do it. A few hours each week is mostly all that they ask….though I will be doing a couple days a week to get as much experience as I can.
Volunteering is best decision that I have made in a very long time.

Posted by blondie, 26th May 2015

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  • Oh yes, very rewarding and great for your confidence and I heard it is good for mental health as well.


  • So glad you found something you love.

    I too agree that it is very rewarding and sometimes hard work. If it weren’t for volunteers many things would not get done.


  • Well done great work :)


  • I agree with you on this. It feels great to be giving something back.


  • Volunteering always makes me feel good!


  • Well done to you for volunteering. It is great for the soul


  • Volunteering can lead to paid work if you show dedication as well, especially if you’re a SAHM and have been out of the work force for awhile.


  • That’s fantastic! You made a great choice!


  • Our granddaughter’s school has encouraged grandparents that have more free time to help out at their school as most parents work. It is rewarding too!


  • Volunteering is rewarding for everyone and it does feel good to give back to the community. Good on you!


  • Yes, it can be great for you as well as the people you help.


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