

My partner and I had barely been together 2 months when we found out we were expecting our little bundle of joy, and that we’d already been pregnant for 6 weeks out of our 8 week relationship. It was difficult, but we were pleased, and very much over the moon.

All the way up until our 20 scan we were completely convinced (and secretly hoping) we were having a girl. But no such luck there. Don’t get me wrong, my son is amazing, sweet and absolutely the best thing that ever happened to us, but we were kind of fingers crossed for our little Abigail.

Our son (Connor) is almost 10 months now, and he’s getting bigger and funnier everyday, but here’s my problem.

I want my little girl, or even another boy. Not yet, but in the near future. My partner on the other hand says not until we’re married. But considering we’ve been together almost 2 years now and he still hasn’t popped that wonderful question I feel worried I may never get number 2.

Did anyone else have trouble with convincing their significant other to try for another baby?

Posted by totalqt91, 28th February 2013

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  • No, it happens when it happens for us.


  • No, not really. We kinda just went with it. Baby number 2 happened sooner then we planned because we couldn’t wait. Other then that, we just clicked


  • Thank you for sharing this. Very interesting reading!


  • nice story i enjoyed it


  • A year and a half later….have you got your wish?


  • My hubby easy going man so only wait when I am ready for baby 2.


  • For me I was really lucky that my hubby wants me to decide when I am ready to have a 2nd baby. Even if I don’t want another he is fine too.. HOpe it goes well for you :(


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