

does anyone have tips or recipes for weight loss meals?
ive been looking at some ones online but they cost money or other ones just dont sound very nice :D

Posted by mom66977, 12th July 2015

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  • Weight loss is a lifetime thing, works best if alter your lifestyle, not just go on a diet. Overhaul you’re complete food plan. Increase your activity. Make healthy changes to your diet plan, portion control, and look to eliminate sugar……it’s so bad and hidden in all sorts of foods, particularly low fat food options


  • You can make some cost effective choices simply by avoiding the wrong foods ( calories in…..Calories out) theory and omitting butter/ margarine. Choosing low fat options where possible and sticking to basic less processed foods. Try to stay away from bread and glutenous products and eat as much fresh fruit and veg as possible. The less adulterated the better….keep it simple.


  • What I have found is that ‘diets’ only work short term and then the weight comes back. What really works is increasing the veggie servings and eating less carbs with my meals- combined with regular exercising. I walk alot with the kids which works for us.

    As for food ideas here are some- Breakfast- Make an omlette with mushrooms, spinach and small sprinkling of cheese. I buy full fat cheese and just use a little to get the flavour in. Serve with some extra veggies or one slice of wholemeal toast. One english muffin popped under the grill with some avocado, corn kernels and cheese on top. or avocado and tomato and cheese with mushrooms even. Porridge made with milk and no sugar. Sometimes I throw a small amount of dried fruit in or a small drizzle of honey or some chopped apple. Plain greek yoghurt with a little honey and some dried fruits, nuts, seeds.

    I drink herbal teas throughout the day- great way to stay hydrated and keep the tummy full.

    Snack ideas- Fruit. Veggie sticks with a little hummus or cucumber dip. Dried fruit and nuts- just keep to portion sizes- I buy small snack bags and portion some out to carry with me when I leave the house. One slice of wholemeal toast with some peanut butter and topped with sliced banana. Rice crackers with a little cream cheese. If you want a biscuit or slice of cake- make your own and decrease the amount of sugar in the recipe. Then cut and freeze small portions. I usually will bake a cake then give half away to the neighbours so I’m not tempted to eat too much of it. A cob of corn makes a good snack. Basically I try to get heaps of veg in each day and my two serves of fruit.

    Lunch/dinner ideas- make chicken stock from scratch and keep portions in freezer. You can add some egg noodles to it, rice, veggies, some chicken etc. whatever you like.
    Make a sandwhich filling with a protein and plenty of salad. I like silverside with plenty of fresh spinach, thinly sliced tomato and red capsicum with a small amount of mayo on multigrain bread. Make your sandwhich full and flavoursome and add a fruit after it.
    Shred up some bbq chicken, add diced cucumber, a little sweet soy sauce and serve on basmati rice with extra veg. Basmati rice is lower GI than jasmine etc which keeps you fuller for longer.

    Basically I try to increase the serves of veg through the day. Stay well hydrated with non sugary drinks and try to be sensibile with what I’m eating. Hope the ideas help :-).


  • Using smaller serving plates helps to reduce portion size. I trick myself and hubby into thinking we have full plates in front of us but really the plates are just smaller ;)


  • thanks for the comments ladiess


  • Salads are great avoid potatoes


  • Salads are great a no carb diet is great drinking a lot of water and eating foods like celery as its a no calories tummy filler.


  • Drinking lots of water, using fresh produce (veggies, salad etc) and managing portions all work. Don’t need fancy foods etc


  • I believe one of the keys to the pre-prepared meals is the small portion size.


  • Eating regular small and healthy meals, drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of exercise is the only way I know for a healthy lifestyle.


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