7 Comment
My newest daughter joined our family on 31 January. We were so happy with our new healthy baby and the doctors and midwives couldn’t have been more helpful and knowledgeable. All was right in our world and after an extended stay to work out a few breastfeeding hitches we were discharged happy and hopeful with a breast shield to our own home after 5 days. However at every weigh her weight was still dropping. Then after 4 days at home I was readmitted to hospital with Mastitis and a virus for four hourly IV antibiotics. The weight kept pouring off and this hospital didn’t offer 24 hour midwife coverage so from 10PM to 7am I was on my own. Another 3 days later we were discharged still breastfeeding with expressing to top up. But still the weight went down. Finally after trying a dairy free mum diet with no success the MCHN referred us to the GP for a medical review. By now we were on daily weighs. On day two the GP sought paediatric advice and we were put on formula with 10 minutes each side breast feeds to start. The next day we had gone up, for the first time in my daughters life she had gained weight. The relief was instant. It was the first time in 2 weeks I hadn’t cried when she was on the scales. We had tried everything, cups, shields, tubes and expressing. It was heart breaking watching her loose weight and have to go onto formula, but a week on she is still gaining weight, she is alert and happy and with our 10 minutes each side start one day we may get back to exclusive BF, but for now we are happy surviving and thriving. Sometimes formula is best so please remember not to judge, you don’t know the struggles each family go through to find their path. I’m just glad we made the switch in time and my daughter is ok.
Posted by Mary, 6th March 2017
mom81879 said
- 11 Apr 2017
mom206279 said
- 20 Mar 2017
Mary replied
- 21 Mar 2017 , 10:51 am
cherz said
- 07 Mar 2017
Mary replied
- 08 Mar 2017 , 9:58 am
june11 replied
- 10 Mar 2017 , 10:07 pm
Mary replied
- 12 Mar 2017 , 5:02 pm
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