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Being currently 30 weeks pregnant, I’ve been quite emotional lately, and this has played on my mind for a while now. I just needed to get it out and I thought this was a good place to vent. When will my father get his karma? My Mum had 5 children with him. He abused her physically and emotionally for 18 long long years. She stayed with him from the age of 17, and barely had any life in her. A severe alcoholic he is, and always will be. Whilst none of us talk to him, and mum divorced him a few years ago, I just can’t see him getting any karma. He pays hardly any child support, I think it’s like $4 a month, as he doesn’t work. He was working whilst he was on a disability pension, but apparently he got caught by the government. He drinks all his money and smokes it too. My whole childhood (I’m only 19) was just full of his violent alcoholic ways. I missed everything that a young girl should of had. I barely had anyone sleep overs, as I didn’t want my friends scared from his abuse. My mum is such a strong woman. Whilst she and all my siblings live in another state away from him, I still live in the same town, but rarely see him. My eldest brother has leukaemia and is in my mothers care, as well as the rest of my siblings. I feel like life just throws all the hard stuff at my mother, my siblings and I. Whilst he just gets all the good stuff. When will karma bite him? I feel like this is so unfair.

Posted anonymously, 31st May 2014

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  • I think people like your father wants their children to turn out just like them. My advise to you is be the best you can be, make your mother proud, that despite what you went through in your life, be successful in your acheivements, no matter what they are. Remember success is different for everyone.


  • I can understand how incredibly frustrating it must be for you to watch him get away with everything. I wonder the same about certain people in my life, though I try not to dwell on it because it’s not good for my health. I try to believe that karma is not just for this life, but for future ones as well. He might never pay in this life, but the next one he might be the one who’s raising 5 kids while coping with the abuse of an alcoholic partner. And your mum might have the most joyous life you could ask for in her next life. Why she’s been lumped with such a bad one this time? Who knows, but maybe she has lessons to learn from previous lives. I guess we can never know for sure how karma works, but that’s how I like to see it otherwise it can get too hard to deal with if karma really only applied to one lifetime. Try to stay positive that things are just as intended, that you, your mum and your siblings are making way for something better in the future, if not in this life then the next. Dwelling on it too much is only hurting you, and the last thing you deserve is more pain.


  • I too am waiting on a few slaps from the Karma Queen, for a couple of people. Like you, it’s hard to see bad keep happening to the good, while the bad roll on enjoying life. Maybe dying from his alcoholism will be his karma…..alone and unloved and in pain


  • meh – don’t give the idiot any more space in your head rent free! just be thankful for what you have, and blessed to have such a super awesome mum x


  • I suspect that he isn’t happy and never will be. I hope that is some consolation.


  • nice story for read


  • Best to concentrate on your family.


  • He has to live with what he did every day, and whether he feels bad about it now or not, he will one day. That’s karma.


  • I don’t really believe in karma, so I don’t look for what you think should happen to your father. I do believe that there will be a judgement day which is completely different.The important thing for you is what the two previous comments have suggested. Choose to think about your life now, and be the best mum you can be. Don’t let your feelings about your father be the main thing – that would mean you are allowing him to continue to wreck your life as an adult even when he is not entitled to be in your life at all now. One day at a time, when thoughts about him come into your head, tell yourself you don’t choose that any more. You have much better things to think about. All the best with preparing for your new baby.


  • Just concentrate on your baby and the family you are creating.

    • I agree; focus all of your positive energy on yourself and your family as negative energy is draining and un productive. Treat yourself well and do not give negativity and air time any room in your life.


  • Please don’t concentrate on your father, he really isn’t worth your energy. Concentrate on your baby and your future. That’s where your happiness lies, not looking back at an unhappy time of your life. Think good thoughts and try to forget the negative stuff, it is possible, I’ve done it and my life is great now. The only time I get upset is when other family members remind me of what my teenage life was like. Thank God it over and I live in the present and not the past, I hope you can do the same. You are still young and it would be a shame to waste any more of your youth on worrying about a horrible man from your past.


  • The man has lost his family & kids. Each day he drinks his sorrows away & drives himself crazy by all his thinking that he does by his lonely self. I think he’s got his Karma but not in the way you would wish.


  • As they say, what goes around comes around. It may be tomorrow it may be next decade but it will happen


  • I feel the same way about an uncle and hope all the bad people get bad karma soon


  • karma is a strange thing and it really started the day your Mum left and all you kids as well. Your Mum is a very strong woman and he will end up a very lonely man.


  • What an amazing woman your mother is, to bring up a daughter like you. I am sure she is incredibly proud of you. I understand only too well what you’ve been through and are going through, because my father was a violent alcoholic, and it was only when I was the last child left at home that my mother found the courage to leave him. He put her through Hell, before and after she left him. Karma does happen, and sometimes it happens almost immediately, and other times it takes years. In my father’s case, it took nearly 20 years, but he ended up dying a very lonely and unhappy man, from lung cancer, and he’d never smoked a day in his life. The 4 people who were at his funeral were only there out of a sense of obligation, not because they cared for him. What some people do to others is beyond unfair, and as you say, they often seem to waltz through life, with no consequences for their actions. For your own sanity, you have to try and let go of the need to see him suffer, because it isn’t affecting him in any way, it’s only affecting you, and not in a good way either. I hope that you find peace in your heart and soul. I wish you well.


  • I know, I know. My ex partner is well off by comparison to me and he mentally abused me for years and then selfishly took me to court to try and say I was an unfit mother- which is far from the truth. Unfortunately he also put his son through all of this and that little boy has been on the end of his fathers mental abuse as well and he is terrified to tell his father things for fear of reprimand etc. I’m a working single mother with family interstate and if it wasn’t for the help of my mum and other family members I wouldn’t have been able to afford the tens of thousands it has cost me with legal proceedings, as even though I have a concession card and receive a token sum of money from him I was eligible for legal aid. It wasn’t enough to ruin my life, he had to put his son through this hell too. His wife is no better. When I get frustrated and cross and I do believe in God, people always say to me things like “don’t worry god never let’s these things go unpunished in the end.” Or ” Everything catches up with them in the end or “karma always gets them.” And like you I would like to know when? These people (abusers) make life almost impossible for others and cause immense stress and seem to skip along in life getting away with trampling on everyone along the way. I really feel for you. Thanks for sharing your story you actually helped me because until you posted yours I couldn’t really find the words to articulate my frustration and how I was feeling.


  • I feel for you and your family, especially your beautiful mum, such a hard life had by all.
    Don’t waste time or energy on him, you are about to bring a beautiful baby into the world, spend your precious time and love on that, he will get his.
    He will die, lonely, broken and unloved, that’s something he will end up regretting on his deathbed, trust me, by then it will be too late.
    Love your mum and siblings and forget about him, he isn’t worth it. ♡


  • Your dad is and has be given the karma. He now has no family. No wife and no children that have anything to with him. That money he got extra from working he will be paying back so the rest he has left over he uses to fill himself with chemicals that can kill him. It is hard to forgive but especially forget. You must fill your thoughts with all the good things that have now come out from this. That your mum has left and is happy you are happy and that your siblings too are happy and free to be who they want to be.


  • That’s really sad, maybe just forget about your dad don’t give him a second thought that way this won’t eat you up inside ??
    Hopefully your mum is now leading a lovely life away from all the stresses that your father brought onto her.
    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.


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