

Well my little girl is long past wearing baby clothes and body suits, but today years after I needed this piece of information I have just found out what those little gusset like folds on the shoulders of baby tops and body suits, are really there for. I think of the times when my daughter presented me with a body suit filled with an unwanted present, or when more food was on her clothes than what had gone in her mouth. Or then there were the times when she just did not want to get dressed and she certainly didn’t want things going over her head. So if by sharing the little piece of knowledge that I gained today, makes life easier for another Mum or Dad I will be super happy. Fancy not knowing that those little gusset like flaps are so that you can open the neck of the item wide enough to take the arms out and remove the clothing down the body. I truly hope I was not the only mum that didn’t know this, I just thought they made my life easier taking the item off over her head.

Posted anonymously, 20th November 2014

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  • Oh… that’s what they are for… I didn’t know either. Thanks for sharing. Will come in handy this year.


  • I had no idea it was for that. Thanks for sharing.


  • found out


  • Thanks for sharing. My husband and I find this very useful.


  • Yes I recently discover this too, for the mum’s who don’t know about it ……here is a link that explain this


  • great story exellent


  • it a a great and exellent story


  • great exellent


  • Im not sure what your talking about?


  • I am not sure what you are talking about. I am intrigued. Will someone please elaborate!?


  • This is a recent discovery for me too! So many times I have been faced with the dilemma “do I get the scissors out, or the hose?”. The knowledge certainly came in handy the other day… Wish I had known about it with child one instead of at child three! Oh well!


  • I was only told this recently and since then it is the only way I take them off! I have also been a nanny for a long time before becoming a mummy and i cannot believe it isn’t more widely promoted


  • I had absolutely no idea, I was lost at the start & then I made myself get a piece of clothing.
    That is the funniest thing ever, some things you just don’t know unless told.


  • Would have been handy to know when my kids were little also, would have made life easier.


  • so many things you learn once you have no need for the information, I am sure you are not the only one


  • I didn’t know either. Used to love cuddling them in those cute bonds suits though. Miss those days now!


  • Sometimes the obvious isn’t that obvious. You wouldn’t be the first!


  • Lol you weren’t the only one :) my boy is long past baby clothes now and I could have done with that information to. Thanks for passing it on.


  • There are SO MANY things no-one thinks to tell you when you have babies.


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