
18 Comment

Wonderful Winter is just a day away and I love winter and I love the change of seasons. Winter is perfect for indoor activities and we always get our games and craft and other activities out for hours of fun! We also love cooking during winter and going on outings with our baked goodies. We rug up with coats and hats and scarves and go out to wildlife parks, lakes and other places; including trips to the snow! It can be brisk at times, but it is so good for health and well being to get out and about otherwise being stuck inside can impact on motivation and energy levels. Get out and enjoy winter! ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted by mom93821, 31st May 2015

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  • If you are feeling unwell, you can stay home, and curl up under a blanket too.
    You need to stay cool in Summer, and drink plenty of water, unless you enjoy running around in the nude you just put enough clothing on in case somebody calls in and do your best to stay cool. I avoid going out in really hot weather as I get light headed. Autumn and Spring time are the best to venture out if you want to go long distance. In some areas if it snows a lot they close the roads, sometimes outside of towns and you can’t get into accomodation. We almost got caught once while travelling. We travelled a different route and went into blinding rain and had to stop for safety. Luckily we were able to get accomodation on the route we went.


  • And wow has Sydney turned out a good winter! So far anyway.. Very chilly mornings here lately.


  • On the whole, I enjoy winter, it’s just the icy wind that I don’t like.


  • 100% agree! Such a great time to get out and explore our outdoors, without dealing with the sometimes overwhelming Australian heat ๐Ÿ™‚

    • LOL! I must admit I am not a fan of sweat! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • i would love to take my kids to see the snow. I never have seen it

    • Do! you will love it and the kids will have a ball-making a snowman is one of the best experiences! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • You have a great attitude towards Winter,good on you!

    • Thanks! It is the way I stay motivated during winter. I love all of the seasons as they offer so many different experiences. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I love been cosy with our fire glowing most of the day & night in winter, but I love summer more been able spend more time out in the sunshine. Something to look forward to!

    • I have open fire envy! Lucky you! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • I am a summer gal as well but I do like snuggling up to the sound of rain on a winters night like shelley shelley mentioned, so comforting.


  • I hate winter. So cold! I’m a summer girl.


  • I am looking forward to taking our daughter to the snow for the first time this year. Got a bag full of craft activities ready too

    • The first time snow visit is always so magical and special-have fun! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I live in WA and we had an amazing autumn. I can’t even believe that tomorrow winter officially starts. I hope it won’t be too cold! Enjoy!


  • I love the summer but must admit cuddling up inside at night when storms are blowing outside is the best part. I love falling asleep to the sound of rain or thunder.. mmmmmm.

    • I love that sound too and snuggling up is a major benefit of cooler weather! ๐Ÿ™‚


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