

When I had my son, I was over the moon. I have spent most of my life in study or work, and becoming a mum was a dream I thought would never happen. Everyone gave me a few weeks before I would be itching to get back to work. I though they were right, but with the great maternity leave on offer, I was able to have six months off work. Those six months rushed past. At no point did I want to go back to work. The day came when I went back two days a week. I cried. I was depressed and just watching the clock until I could go home. All I wanted was to be a mum. 5 months later and I am now back full time. It is so hard to be away from my son and be a full time worker and try and be a mother. I almost feel I am failing him, I know he misses me, but we need the finances. It was not what I expected, to want to be a full time mum. It is amazing how my focus in life has shifted. But I wouldn’t change it for anything (except the work part – that I could give up happily!!).

Posted by simone_spark, 11th April 2013

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  • So many of us forced into to returning to work instead of being able to stay home and dare for our babies. It’s a sad situation to be in


  • I also went back to work and it wasn’t easy, still wished I was at home.


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