Does anyone still follow the food pyramid?
I would like to know how many mums follow the food pyramid, to stay healthy
8 AnswersWhat do you buy when grocery shopping?
How much of your weekly grocery shop is fresh food compared to packaged food?
27 AnswersHow often do you eat takeaway?
How often do you eat takeaway including treats and snacks?
4 AnswersADHD – Another perspective
I see a lot of children in my clinic whose parents are at their wits end. Kids will be kids, sure, and we...
25 AnswersLiving healthy: The secret superfoods
It is believed that the term “superfood” was used first in 1998 by Aaron Moss, who mentioned it in the journal Nature Nutrition. Nowadays, it...
36 AnswersAny tips on hiding veggies?
I’m finding it very difficult feeding my 3 year old twins nutritious food they like. They refuse to even try it! They say...
27 AnswersAny good ideas for cheap homemade meals?
I’m a single mum with twin daughters after I pay rent and money off my bills I have $200 left for groceries, what...
31 AnswersAny idea on some quick and easy meals?
I’m looking for some quick and easy meals for me to cook for myself, my partner and my 15 month old. I work full...
27 Answers