You can imagine how excited the Mouths of Mums members were who were selected to review the Jamie Oliver HomeCooker. Once they’d put the Jamie Oliver HomeCooker through its paces, we visited them at home and asked them all about it. From Risottos, Paella and Crisp Rosemary Potatoes to Capsicum Relish, Granola and Chocolate Fondue, the Jamie Oliver HomeCooker has proven to be quite a versatile kitchen appliance.  Some would say it’s a bit like having Jamie Oliver in the kitchen with them! Read the written reviews for the Jamie Oliver HomeCooker on the Jamie Oliver HomeCooker Review Page


  • Excellent review thanks for sharing

  • Yeah review Michaela:).

  • Anything that make cooking time easier gets a big tick from me.

  • How fantastic! A very handy appliance indeed.

  • First time i have seen one of these, it looks great.

  • i find it funny that every demo of a home appliance like this aways cooks a risotto!

  • interesting reading – sounds like a really time saving machine

  • yes these ladies are really lucky! they are doing great reviews!

  • Love the point of this machine saving time in the kitchen – a good thing!

  • Looks like a great machine would mind if I had onw

  • Gorgeous! It looks like a great machine indeed. And it surely saves a lot of time!!

  • I have one and I absolutely love mine. best money i have ever spent

  • home cooker

  • Mum with a young family….must be easy to use :)

  • it s just great

  • Definitely would love to buy the Jamie Oliver HomeCooker, have to put it on my xmas wishlist.

  • i like jamie oliver as a chef but he has seemed to have sold out a lot i mean he puts his face on almost everything at woolworths.

  • Wow, 19 month old twins. This woman deserves every appliance on the market.

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