See what kids are saying about Tip Top® Wholemeal with Fruit Breakfast Toast – A tasty fruit bread with the goodness of wholemeal.

Read all the reviews and see the star ratings over at the Tip Top® Wholemeal with Fruit Breakfast Toast review page.


  • Yum honey on toast

  • Well done…everyone loves honey on toast

  • Great review. Mm honey is a great option

  • Ooooh made me hungry for toast.

  • what a sweet review, loved it.

  • Lots and lots of butter! Yum.

  • I love love love fruit toast with butter and a cup of tea… yum!

  • just looking at the honey, and there was a big thing on facebook recently about supermarket honeys…. not being good for you

  • My kids and I really enjoyed watching this video – thanks so much for posting. (By the way, it seems we’ll be buying this toast next grocery shop).

  • Lovely video. I tried this bread and is really tasty!!

  • Great video review. You can tell the kids are really impressed with it, must be good

  • After reading positive reviews about this I decided to give it a try. So glad I did as my kids loved it! And what a great way to sneak in some whole grains and extra fruit.

  • Sounds delicious, I shall have to get some!

  • This is a quick and tasty breakfast option.

  • It’s a convenient quick, tasty brekkie for kids with wholemeal, I’d be happy to buy it.

  • We have tried this one.

  • I didn’t take to this toast so much as my children. I now buy this toast for them because I know its a better choice for their diets and they can’t tell that there’s any wholemeal goodness in there. I personally stick to my original sultana toast.

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