
204 Entries

The greatest warriors throughout space and time have been plucked from their battlefields, miniaturized and boxed!

Now on Earth, they’re grumpy, they’re dysfunctional, and they’re ready to fight!

Introducing Boxed Warriors, new from Headstart.

There are 13 warriors to collect, including Gold Sir Bashalot. Open your box to see which warrior will rise. Unveil their weapons and reveal their secret strengths.

Meet The Warriors


Enter now for a chance to win a Boxed Warriors prize pack and DO NOT HANDLE WITH CARE!

For further information on Boxed Warriors, check out the Boxed Warriors website.

Boxed Warriors in Australia are available at the following retailers: Toy World, Toymate, and Catch

This competition is shared and powered by mom.Connect

Please note this competition is open from 10 June 2019 until 10 July 2019  and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. E. MatthewsVIC
  2. T. StonehamQLD
  3. N. FosterWA
  4. R. LorenzQLD
  5. J. GriffinTAS
  6. S. KanyasiNSW
  • Terrasaur because I love dinosaurs

  • Terrorsaur……..perfect for my son…….and I must admit he’s my favourite too.

  • Terrasaur so I can release the animal within.

  • Hatori he remind me of Alexander! He’s a talkative, practical joker, loves music, video games and sees himself as a bit of a ninja kid too. He’d be so excited to unbox Hatori

  • Terrasaur, we are in the midst of a dinosaur phase and craze at the moment.

  • They all look awesome and my boy wouldn’t care which one he unboxed.

  • My boys would be ecstatic to unbox any of these warriors but they really like the look of “Shocker” because he shoots electricity from his hands.

  • I know that Jarad would be happy to unbox any one of your Warriors. He loves to play soldiers and also knights with his toys, so to have Warriors would be just wonderful. It is so cold and damp this winter that inside games are great.

  • Terror Saur! get ready to roar.
    Opening him, would be no bore.
    Like a caveman, he still has style
    Huge head and hands, can run a mile!
    Unwrapping him, how much fun,
    School holidays, here we come.

  • Bjorn the Space Viking. Just for the awesome beard.

  • Mr Fluffkins, he looks like his cute fluffy fur could win over his enemies and his weapons would relinquish the rest.

  • We’d love to unbox Bjorn the Space Viking! Viking tradition is a special interest for our family and how cool would it be to find our very own, Viking Warrior!

  • Mr fluffkins. How can you beat that name haha

  • Cyber Officer Control!

  • Mister Fluffkins…it’s the name…I just think its the most hilarious contradiction ever!!! LOL

  • Terrasaur is who I’d love the unbox, he will bring Jurassic World to a whole new warrior level and my son would love to fight the dinoasaur battles with him.

  • Cyber Ninja, he’s a softy inside.

  • Mister Fluffkins. He can’t be too tough with a name like that can he?

  • Definitely ‘Shocker’! We are a big Port Power household here and ‘Shocker’ reminds me of Port Power’s mascot ‘Thunder Power’. Our twin girls would proudly display ‘Shocker’ on their bookshelf

  • I would love to unbox Sir Bashalot because my son would love him more then anyone else…. this would mean alot to my son because he is a huge fan!

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