
238 Entries

Mouths of Mums are excited to announce your chance to WIN 1 of 10 ultimate camping pack for kids valued at $150 each!

How much does your family love going camping and making memories from your experiences? We have teamed up with Camping for Kids to giveaway the ultimate camping pack that your kid would enjoy to the fullest.

There will be 10 ultimate camping packs to giveaway for the month of November. This awesome prize will set your child up with everything you need to get their camping adventure started!

Each pack includes…

  • a backpack
  • sleeping bag
  • fishing rod
  • and tent!

Camping for Kids is a fresh new initiative designed to get children to enjoy the camping experience and playing outdoors rather than spending the day in front of a computer or tv screen. In this increasingly technological world children spend all day in front of computers at home and at school, making it even more important to get them outside and playing on holidays.

Camping for kids encourages a lifestyle of learning, playing and making new friends all while keeping active and healthy. Camping for Kids will teach kids about all of the natural wonders and beauty there is to explore in Australia, as well as new skills, games, and healthy habits.

LIKE Mouths of Mums on Facebook here,

AND then share your favourite family camping photo and in 25 words or less, tell us why this is your most memorable camping experience?

Winners for this competition

  1. C. WairauQLD
  2. C. WoodsVIC
  3. S. GaleNSW
  4. A. BlakerQLD
  5. K. SheppardQLD
  6. E. BarkerQLD
  7. J. GeorgeQLD
  8. K. WallaceVIC
  9. K. PoleQLD
  10. A. LunguWA
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