
344 Entries

Headlice Hero by Smart Science, is a gentle treatment that on gentle on hair and tough on lice which is why we are excited to be offering you the chance to WIN 1 of 15 Headlice Hero packs!
Each Lucky Winner will receive:

  • 1 x Headlice Hero
  •  1 x Hygiene Hero 

Headlice Hero is a treatment spray that is gentle on hair and lethal on lice! This 10 minute treatment is scientifically proven to get rid of lice and eggs while leaving hair feeling soft, silky and conditioned. Gone are the days when your head lice treatment dried your hair out so much that you had to cut it!

The Headlice Hero Treatment Spray attacks head lice infestations with state- of- the- art scientific advances by a physical means and eradicates the lice by killing them and preventing the eggs from hatching. The physical action is a non poisonous process that coats the lice causing them to dehydrate and die.

Hygiene Hero Soak Solution is designed to clean and disinfect your brushes, combs and hair accessories post head lice treatment. This brilliant product is the outcome of extensive research resulting in special scientific advances. It is a highly effective and a safe cleanser and disinfectant post treatment.

For your chance to WIN like MoM on facebook here,

then tell us in 25 words or less your funniest or most embarrassing headlice moment that you have experienced?

Winners for this competition

  1. D. McDiarmidVIC
  2. K. CrollickQLD
  3. S. PhillipsNSW
  4. A. EmanuelQLD
  5. R. WalkerVIC
  6. J. LeesSA
  7. Y. SellwoodQLD
  8. Y. RyanVIC
  9. V. ShorttNSW
  10. M. StarkeyNSW
  11. T. WhelanQLD
  12. B. StimsonVIC
  13. S. ElliceNSW
  14. M. McdermottVIC
  15. L. SteabbenQLD
  • My daughter keeps getting nits and knots confused. It can be a bit embarrassing!

  • After being told, he had lice at the hairdressor, my son then told the Chinese take-away shop his hair has rice they could fry.

  • Working in pharmacy I see a lot of people will headlice. Having a work mate tell you they can see on you – embarrassing!

  • My son was found with 3 crawling ones on his head in Preschool, I was mortified thought they must think we’re the dirtiest family ever.

  • getting nits whilst living with my dad and him making me go buy fly spray to kill the nits… Most embarassing thing ever at the age of 14 getting your hair done with fly spray

  • Finding out that my son had headlice while we were at the hairdressers. So off to the chemist we go to get a treatment my son decided to go all ninja to protect the other people at the shopping centre. He walked the whole way from the hairdresser to the chemist in defensive mode – you know, with his hands up, slightly crouched down and yelling “don’t come near me, I’ve got headlice!”
    Not the reaction I was hoping for in a busy shopping centre lol

  • nothing worse than getting kutu in you hair!

  • We were at a shopping center once and grandma decided to yell out ‘They haven’t got Grivleys do they?? I just saw them scratching!!’ I just walked away with my head down!!

  • it is never a nice experience to get headlice.

  • Going to get my hair cut for the first time in a year and the hairdresser says “sorry but you have lice!”

  • I was denitting my nieces hair and needed a toilet break, I want to the toilet only to find a nit down my pants, embarrassing

  • My autistic daughter gets Nits and knots mixed up, aswell as when I said to her I have to get the eggs out, she asks me are their baby chickens inside

  • its embarrassing when your child is standing there scratching there head like mad

  • the whole thing is embarrassing and
    the battle of head lice is so hard as I have 3 girls and always catching it at school then realising that they all are scratching their head then trying to get rid of it all.

  • I was shocked last week to find a couple of nits in my daughters hair considering school is over 🙁 She must have picked them up at the park

  • Head lice aren’t embarrassing anymore, they’re a fact of life with kids at school. I need to find a treatment that really works…

  • My ex’s little brother had headlice like I had never seen before … you’d part the hair to see hundreds on them crawling around ..

  • Having had to treat my daughter’s hair in primary school – it’s always worthwhile having something in the cupboard.

  • We were luck enough to avoid head lice through daycare and preschool until my eldest started Kindy then they hit … Everyone ! This treatment sounds fantastic !

  • I was so embarrassed when I was about 14 going to the hair dresses to get my haircut when the hair dresser called my mum over to tell her she couldn’t cut my hair because I had headline..

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