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Following research from Specsavers which reveals nearly 1.5 million Australian children have never had an eye test, two lucky winners have the chance to win a Specsavers voucher which entitles you to two pairs of designer glasses.

10 signs for parents and teachers that a child might need an eye test:

  • Frequent eye rubbing or blinking
  • Short attention span
  • Holding objects very close to their face
  • Avoidance of reading or other close activities
  • Frequent headaches
  • Covering of one eye
  • Tilting head to one side
  • One eye turning in or out
  • Losing place when reading
  • Sitting too close to the television

If a child is experiencing any of the above symptoms, we recommend that you visit your local Specsavers store for an eye test

Please note this competition is open from 17th February until 22nd March 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via Facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. J. CashmanNSW
  2. H. KirstenNSW
  • When I yelled in excitement that I found a four leaf clover on St paddys day – it was only a three leaf clover by then I had a crowd around me.

  • I thought I would be okay for one day with no specs on.
    And then I walked into a Glass door in a dispaly home It didn’t even look like there was glass. That was a complete blonde no glasses moment.

  • Everytime I leave the house and realise once im down the street ive still got my robe on and my hair in a mess!

  • When I realised I was paying double for my contacts from OPSM 🙁 $62 a box to drive half hour into town to get them. Now paying $31 a box with FREE home delivery. DOH!

  • I thought I would be okay for one day with no specs on.
    And then I walked into a Glass door in a dispaly home It didn’t even look like there was glass. That was a complete blonde no glasses moment.

  • That moment when one of the arms of your glasses comes off and you have to find the tiny screw and then try to re-attach the arm. It’s then that you realise you should have gone to SpecSavers and got a second pair of glasses!!

  • Cutting reluctant hubby’s hair to save money, I nicked his ear, and blood gushed. My new glasses were not strong enough to see clearly. “SHOULD HAVE GONE TO SPECSAVERS” Needless to say I never got to cut hubby’s hair again.

  • My husband spent most of our 2 week holiday in Samoa wearing a pink blingy pair of borrowed glasses after he lost his overboard when he capsized a catamaran…if he had gone to Specsavers he would have had a spare pair on their 2 pair offer!

  • In primary school, I stayed up late doing my project on owls, drawing wonderful pictures to complete it. The following morning I was very confused to discover that the owls were PURPLE! That’s because purple looks like brown in bad light and I’d used the wrong colouring pencil.

  • Last week my two children where fighting. Miss 13 called her brother fat and ugly, I was impressed by Master 11’s clever comeback when he calmly and quite matter of fact said to her, well you should have gone to Specsavers. Good on you son !!!

  • When I didn’t know students were writing a note about me!

  • In the work tearoom talking to a guy. Reach into my bag and grab my chapstick out. Don’t open it, just tapping it on my lip while continuing conversation. Guy leaves, I look down and I’m actually holding a tampon. How embarrassing! Should have gone to Spec Savers!

  • Cheering like crazy when my son scored his first soccer goal – turns out it wasn’t him but a team mate who looks similar. It explains why everyone was looking at me a little confused when I was screaming my lungs out!!!

  • Before cutting my daughter’s fringe the day before school photos were taken, a disaster, memories that will last a life time.

  • I have difficulty reading my computer properly, therefore I miss spell words in my typed letters at work, a little embarrassing sometimes.

  • Prices are unbeatable as is their service… unfortunately I settled for elsewhere and spent more than I needed to!

  • I’m sure theres a million but I cant think of any right now

  • Driving past the shops one DAY,
    Focused on my bills to PAY,
    I noticed my friend Jan in my SIGHT,
    Waving like mad I pulled to my RIGHT,
    Waiting for a bus that DAY,
    I offered a lift on the WAY,
    Face flushed RED,
    It was not Jan I DREAD!

  • Taking home the wrong school bag and not realising until after dinner

  • Upon entering a dimly lit night club in order to farewell my niece who was shortly leaving for Canada, I failed to see the two stairs in the foyer and ended up sprawled on the floor. At 51, it wasn’t an elegant entrance. Yep, I should have gone to Specsavers.

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