
288 Entries

Each lucky winner will receive a Fly Tot – Travel Better Jetsetter!

The Fly-Tot is an inflatable cushion that allows children to lie down flat on a regular, economy seat. This ensures that they sleep more comfortably and for longer periods of time whilst travelling by air.

Fly Tot is the brainchild of two Californian Mums who realised that their kids did not sleep well or comfortably when travelling on a plane.   

Fly Tot is made of highly durable material that can fit into snug spaces. This means that it moulds to the space available and doesn’t prevent the person sitting in front of the child from reclining their seat. Fly Tot can be inflated in less than 3 minutes and can be deflated in a few seconds.

Mum of two, Fiona from Hong Kong, states: “My older two (7 and 4) loved them … able to put their feet up and really just curl up and go to sleep.   I also put my feet up on my daughters’ as well, and it helped me be a bit more comfortable!”

Australian Fly Tot distributor, Sarah Johnson states:

“For the past four years I’ve been an expat living in the Middle East. With this comes a lot of travelling including several long haul flights back to Australia each year flying solo with two young children. Fly Tot has undoubtedly changed my travelling experiences for the better and the sleepless 14 hour flights are behind us! With my recent move back to Australia I decided to bring Fly Tot with me to help Australian families enjoy their travels”

For more information please visit www.flytot.com.au


Please note this competition is open from 31st October 2016 until 30th November 2016 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. B. SmithNSW
  2. M. TrappsNSW
  3. K. ServanteWA
  4. P. NewsomeNSW
  • Snacks, headphones and lollies!

  • Books, toys and earplugs.

  • A tablet loaded with movies and a drawing app. Nuts and snacks. And finally – a few changes of clothes!

  • Muslin, bottle and dummy – at least for my 5m old!

  • food, diapers and toys

  • A change of clothes, something to wipe up spills, and something to quell the boredom!

  • my essential carry on items are
    the magnetic drawing board because the magnet pen is tied to the board
    a deck of cards for playing go fish etc
    and an ipad with headphones for quiet time

  • Snacks, books and Pooh Bear for cuddles

  • books, toys and snacks

  • Frozen expressed breast milk in sterilised sealable bags, one toy per child, more snacks.

  • iPad, toy and books.

  • Panadol for me, incase of an exhaustion headache (Toddler in tow)
    Old cloth nappies, used to wipe up spills, as a lap protectors and a spare if a dreaded explosion!
    and a FLY TOT, I’d love to win for my next trip to see the in-laws in the UK!

  • Colouring in, reading books and snacks. I’m old school and my kids are tablet free!

  • Snakes, toys and tolerance!

  • iPad, headphones and books,
    they are the only thing that keeps them busy,
    the headphones are for me though.

  • Snacks, headphones, and ipad! If they’re fed and entertained, it’s fine. Otherwise it’s a nightmare! Hate planes for small folk!

  • Favourite toy so they still feel connected to home (especially handy towards the end of a long trip away) Games bought out at different intervals throughout the flight (keeping them a secret makes it much more exciting) and a small cotton pillow (the inflatable ones are no good)

  • Snacks, spare clothes for everyone and more snacks!

  • a great book to read to my daughter , a lot of patience and a sense of humor

  • pillow, snacks, change of underwear

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